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I was running, simply running not even aware of where I was even going. I wanted to cry my eyes out but somehow I managed to hold it in though I knew that wouldn't last much longer. I could still hear the people talking and yelling at each other back at the amphitheater, which I believe, was the only thing that kept me running. I was heading toward the woods now. It was dark, and I knew it was way to dangerous to be in the woods alone and unarmed but I didn't care. I just wanted to cry. As I ran deeper into the woods and the voices faithed away, I felt tears run down my face. I wiped them away and slowed down a bit. I felt a hand on my arm and turned around. It was Alex. We looked at each other for a second and then I started crying hopelessly. He didn't say anything, he just pulled me closer. I rested my head against his chest and he hugged me and stroked my hair. We remained like that for a few minutes and when I calmed down a little he said, " Come on let's get you out of here, this isn't a safe place for you now."

We walked back to the clearing, his arm still around me. I leaned my head against his shoulder as we walked. " I just thought tonight would be the night I finally clear all my doubts." He looked at me and smiled. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. " Don't worry, I'm sure soon enough everything'll be clear and you'll be happy." he said. I looked up at him and said, " Thanks, for everything. You've been so awesome to me this whole time, how can I ever pay you back?" He brushed his hand against my cheek and said, " With your happiness. As long as you're happy, I will be too." I blushed and we kept walking toward the cabins.

Once we were back in the clearing he walked me back to cabin 11. He had offer to take me in with him on cabin 13 but I told him i'd be best for both of us if I stayed in cabin 11 for now. I could tell he didn' like the idea much, but he didn't argue. We stood in the front porch talking for a while then we walked around the cabin area and then we laid down on the front porch of cabin 11 and watched the stars. It was so much fun I even forgot about everything else. It was a bummer when he said he had to take me back before everyone else went crazy looking for me. I just nodded and asked, " When will I get to see you again?" He looked me in the eyes with that smile that drove me crazy and said, " Soon." He kissed my forehead and turned away. As I watched him walk away I felt a rush and ran to him, " Wait!!" I said. He stopped and turned to me. As soon as I reached him I tripped over a rock and he caught me in his arms before I could hit the ground. Once I was stable on my feet he asked, " Are you ok?" I nodded. He looked at me, waiting for me to say anything. " Remember earlier this evening, you told me you still had hopes of someday becoming more than a friend to me?" I said. He nodded. I locked my arms around his neck and kissed him. His lips were warm and soft and tasted like mint and sugar. I pulled away and I immediately regretted it. He looked at me in surprise and I said, " Well, so do I." He smiled at me and pulled me in for another kiss.

Back in cabin 11 I went to my spot. As I was re-settling in I heard the door open. 

I didn't bother looking back to see who it was, I had more important things to do. " Can we talk?" , I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Chiron sitting on his fake wheel chair by the door. I got up and followed him outside. " What happened at the amphitheater, Chiron? Why did the fire die as soon as I stepped forward?" I asked. Chiron let out a deep breath and answered, " I don't know dear. This is certainly a first. But I do know one thing, there is definitely something bad happening on Olympus. For months the Gods have been ignoring us quite a lot. It's actually a miracle that some of them claimed their children tonight. But also the constant shift of weather is a sign from the Gods that something is going on. Something awfully bad." Suddenly, the picture of the strangely familiar woman came to me as well as the dreams I'd been having lately. " Chiron, is it possible for a God to communicate with a demigod even before they were claimed by any God ?" I asked. He looked at me a bit confused and nodded. " Indeed child, why do you ask? Is everything alright?" Chiron asked a bit concerned. I waited for a second, trying to find the right words to say. " Yes well, the thing is, I- I've been having thees dreams and- sometimes I see a picture of a woman in my head and, I think maybe, it's my mother trying to tell me something." I said. Chiron went pale and looked at me with terrifying eyes, as if what I'd just said meant the end of the world to him. After a few moments he burst out of his shock and said, " Come with me, we need to see Rachel." We walked to the farm house and went straight to the second floor. It was pitch black up there and the smell was horrible. It was like walking on a room full of rotting dead bodies. I tripped over something and a hollow voice that came from nowhere in particular - really, it seemed to come from every direction of the room- made like a whimpering sound. I nearly jumped out of my own skin. " Be careful Sarah, you never know what you can encounter with up here." I heard Chiron say. All of a sudden the room lit up and I could see we were like in the middle of an empty hall standing in front of a locked door. Chiron knocked on the door once and it opened up almost instantly. Rachel, the red headed girl from the camp fire stood in the doorway. "Come on in guys. " she said. " Rachel, I think I might've just found out something very important about what's been happening lately on Olympus. " Said Chiron. Rachel scowled and said, " And exactly what is that?" Chiron looked at me and said, " Go ahead Sarah, tell her about the dreams you've been having and the woman you tent to see every now and then." I looked at Rachel who was staring at me in with a worried look. I took a deep breath and said, " Well lately I've been having thees nightmares about this woman asking me to free her. It always starts like that. Just me standing in the middle of nowhere. Everything around me is pitch black and all of a sudden I'm standing on top of a mountain, and I'm looking at a huge abyss before me so deep you can't see the bottom. Then a voice of a woman screaming for me to run away. The odd thing is I can't seem to find my voice so no matter how hard I try to scream nothing comes out. All I can do is just stand there and watch as a black cloud of smoke rises and blurs out my vision. Then, the next thing I know I'm standing in the entrance of a cave full of wolves growling at me and then the creepy hollow voice from the abyss starts laughing and threatens me with death. And that's just it, that's when I wake up." Rachel looked terrified and so did Chiron when I turned to look at him. They both stood frozen exchanging worried looks. Then after a few endless minutes Rachel looked at me and said, " Have you been having any visions lately, or is that just it?" I shook my head and said , " No that's all." Chiron said, " We have to find out what's going on before it gets worse."

Chiron took me back to cabin 11 and said, " Get some rest child, you're going to need it."

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