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Disclaimer: this is FICTIONAL the exact days, times, and performances may and probably don't match up to the facts. I have combined certain performances for the sake of entertainment in regards to this story.

                September 2012

"Y'all come on watch Daddy's show Julian (Prince's assistant) just emailed me," Samantha said as her sisters began to gather around her laptop.

The girls watched in awe as their father played, sang and danced through select choices from his own discography, as well as a couple of funky rearrangements of classic songs from other artists. The audience unable to maintain their seats, stood up and began dancing. Even his daughters, watching from a laptop were up dancing all over the room.

Diring a brief intermission while slow music was playing, Prince took the time to introduce the audience to his new protege.

"Alright, I want to introduce to yall Miss Andy Allo."

The audience applauded as the shaded shilloette of a slender woman approached the center of the stage. As the music picked up the stage lit up and the curly haired woman clad in an ivory colored feminine pant suit began singing acompanined by her tamborine.

"Who is that," Jazmyne asked?

"I don't know'" replied Ashleigh, "all I heard was Allo."

"Allo? Who is Allo," Jas'monaé asked.

The girls gathered once again around the laptop to get a closer look at this woman they never heard of who was singing with their father.

Singing with him she was, sharing one microphone and her and Prince seemed to be enjoying each other.

"She's pretty," Jaz said.

The sisters seemed to agree thought she was talented and seemed to enjoy the song they were singing until their father put his arm around her shoulders.

"Okay! What is that about!" spat Ashleigh

"Not cool Dad!" shouted Jas at the screen.

The sisters steamed in around the laptop with their arms cross as they continued watching their father sing along with this much younger, pretty woman his eyes not leaving hers with his arm still wrapped around her shoulders.

"Andy Allo," Prince spoke again as the song ended and the lights went out.

"Andy Allo. Imma look her up!" Jazmyne stormed out of the room to retrieve her Ipad out of her room. She returned mumbling to herself. "Never heard of this bitch." She sat on the end of Samantha's bed and googled their father's new protege. "This chick don't even have a wikipedia yall!"

"What?" Ashleigh asked a bit perplexed at the notion. She along with her other sisters gathered around Jazmyne.

"Well she got a facebook page but she really aint nobody," she comented, going through her bio on her facebook page. "Oh my god!" she gasped.

"What?" asked Samantha.

"She is only 23!"

They all gasped at once then Ashleigh raised to her feet.

"No way!" she stated aloud. "Noooo way!"

"Does he know how old she is?!" Jas asked in shock.

"Does Dad know how old HE is? Is the better question," spoke Samantha.

"Hold on now, we don't know if she is really goin with him or not, she may not be," said Jaz

"Fuck that! If she's thinkin about it and she tryin. Just like all the other young hoes that be around Dad. Tryin to make a name for herself, using dad for what he got, and then when she gets what she wants bounces? Uh uh, no ma'am ain't happenin. She aint bout to be settling at Paisley Park and gettin a piece of the purple pie OUR purple pie.  HELL NAW!"

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