Hawaii || Part Two

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*Knock, knock*

"Uuugggh," Jazmyne grunted underneath her sheets, being in the midst of the worst hangover of her young life. "Stop that ringing!"

"Chile ain't nobody ringing!" spoke a disgruntled JasMonae. "That's someone knocking at the door."

"Tell 'em to go away. It's too damn early in the morning," Ashleigh groaned, her voice muffled by her pillows.

"It is almost one in the afternoon," JasMonae stated sternly then headed to the door.

Dragging her feet, already mentally weary of dealing with her hungover sisters she headed to the door and opened it.

"Hi Daddy," she greeted happily.

"Which one of yall was it," he asked authoritatively storming past Jas and into the suite.

"What," Jas asked following behind her father. She was completely confused as to why her father was acting like this.

"Who was drinking last night?"

A sense of release ran through her and she happily stated "Not me! It was them."

Prince nudged each one of his sleeping daughters. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

Jazmyne groaned as she struggled to dig her way out of her covers "Dad?"

"Dad whats going on?" Ashleigh asked rubbing her eyes.

"That's what I wanna know," Prince replied.

"What happened?" Ashleigh asked.

"Well for starters I had a visitor not too long ago."

"Oh no," Ashleigh sighed.

"A visitor I did not know, nor was expectimg."

"Daddy it wasn't me, it was all Jaz!" Ashleigh said throwing her sister under the bus in an effort to avoid scoldimg from her father.

"Ash, I don't wanna hear that 'it wasn't me' talk. That man said he gave yall BOTH free drinks all night cause you told him he could meet me if he did."

"That isn't completely true Dad," Ashleigh spoke. "We didn't know he was going to give them to us for free."

Inhaling deeply to give himself a second to cool down to prevent himself from yelling too loloud he responded to his daughter."That is besides the point! The point is y'all invited a complete stranger to both you and me to come meet me at my hotel room. And for what? Alchohol! Jaz you shouldn't have been drinking period!"

"But Dad," Jazmyne chimed in. "Its really that guys fault for giving me the drinks."

"Yes he was wrong for that but I ain't talkin about him. Y'all..." He paused and rubbed both sides of the upper bridge of his nose between is index finger and thumb while closing his eyes tightly. "You know what nevermind," he continued. "We came here to have a good time not for me to get upset and yell. Just don't do that again ever!"

"We won't Daddy," Jazmyne said as both her and her sister Ashleigh hugged their father.

Prince winced "Ok, ok now yall gonna have to eat some mints or take a shower or something. Yall still have a strong smell of alcohol!"

"Really Daddy! You gonna do us like that," Jazmyne said.

"Yes. I love y'all to death but y'all gotta get away from me." Prince freed himself from his daughters and headed to the door. Stopping midway, he turned and spoke to all his daughters. "You girls can do and go wherever you want today just be dressed and ready to go out to eat for dinner at seven."

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