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DEDICATED TO @brainjunkies for all the help!

Hey Hey Hey people....this is my first time writing a book so it might be a bit 'shaky' but i'm trying to improve so please bear with me :) I'd really appreciate comments with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism OR just state your opinion.






To do my job I had to be one track minded. Lethal. A ruthless leader. It was a dirty and dangerous job but i had to do it. Some called me cold hearted and other called me a hero. Some looked at me with disgust, others looked at me in awe...but what they had in common was the fear in their eyes when I was near.

The thing is, I didn't care how they looked at me -or saw me for that long as they understood.

Understood that I was the only one standing between them and eternal damnation.

Understood that I was their only hope.

Understood that without me, there would be no them.

They needed me. They had no choice.

They didn't have to agree with my methods, hell, even I thought my methods could be a little unorthodox at times. But my methods worked. They worked well.

I knew that people didn't understand that when you've been through what I have you learn to watch you back, to hide emotions and to block vulnerabilities. It's all crucial for survival.

I was used to my depression. Used to the silence. Used to the shadows. Used to it all. Until I met my light. Scarlett Knight.


My life was perfect once. The happy semi-family, the awesome friends in a privileged school, boys basically throwing themselves at my feet. That was my life before...then something happened bringing me loneliness and death among other things, among other horrible things. I mean sure I wasn't the perfect person but I most certainly didn't deserve what I had been through. I don't think anyone did.

So now I was finally getting my life on track. After all the shit I had been through it was great for everything to finally be at a balance. I may not have had the fairytale life i had always dreamed of, the one I'm sure most girls dreamed of. You know the one.

A fairy-tale house, the fame, fortune, success and let's not forget the lovely Prince Charming and two sweet little bundles of joy.

Those were the days. Back when I thought life could be a fairy-tale. Back when I was, admittedly, oblivious to life. Way back when, before life bitch slapped me straight into the real world, forcing me to wake up and smell the foul smelling coffee called reality. So, I may not have had the unattainable fairytale but I was living a realistically good life.

My fairytale house? A two bedroom apartment in an OK neighborhood. The fame, fortune and success? I worked for a suck up, narcissistic, mediocre editor, getting just enough to pay the bills feed myself and sometimes maybe even get a new pair of shoes.

My Lovely Prince Charming? HA! Funny...I wouldn't be surprised if the bastard's running for the hills as I speak. And...My two sweet bundles of joy? At least I could get a dog right?

So sure my life wasn't perfect, but when you've been through the shit I learn that life can be a bitch, that everyone is probably trying to screw you over and that no matter what problems you have, time never even slows down for you to catch a breath. So you have to take what you can get because if you don't, you shall be royally screwed. That's how I saw it anyway.

And that's why some people called me a pessimist, but I, personally, thought of myself as a realist.

I was finally used to my life. Used to my safe little box.  I was used to it all. Until I met my dark savior. Jonathan Coleman.


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