Chapter 3

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Thanx to @Rista1001 for the EXTREMELY motivational comment and sorry for the short chapter and long wait.




Glancing around the room I searched for any windows knowing – from experience – that it could be forever before the kidnapper in question would come, and when he did it would be anything but pleasant.

After about 5 minutes of searching I finally came by a small window above a basin, in the bathroom, just big enough to fit me.

Yes, I realize what most people must be thinking: Why on EARTH isn’t she freaking out? She was kidnapped for crying out loud! This is so fake.

But remember when I mentioned experience? In this particular situation, well…it also taught me that whatever you do, DO NOT FREAK OUT. You will be caught. You have to be smart about these things. Stealth is of great importance.

So opening the window I took off my shoes getting ready to climb out. Then it dawned on me. When I was taken I had just wrapped a towel around myself and now I was in a pair of long tracksuit pants and a tank top, I was even wearing underwear! Shit!

Pushing that out of my mind –with great difficulty- I began climbing out of the window when suddenly I bumped my big toe against the window frame, leading to me having to hold back a loud cuss and turning me into a psychotic killer for a few seconds.

Bloody Hell, that hurt like a bishop!

Finally able to climb out fully, I jumped out of the window and landed successfully on a bed of roses. (And yes, I did check what floor I was on before jumping; I’m not completely imbecilic.)

Surprisingly getting out was pretty easy. I usually have to go through hell and back to escape, but hey who am I to complain, I just need to get myself out of here.

And with that I break off into a sprint, the adrenaline keeping away the pain of my toe.

As I run I realize a major flaw in my plan. I had no damn clue where I was and how to get away from here. Was I still in the same city? Country? What about continent? At this moment I realize that all I definitely know is that I need to get out of here or I will be majorly screwed – literally. So as a last moment –desperate- decision I choose to run to the nearest gas station or street and then take it from there.

With that I continue my sprint, not once looking back. This carries on for about five minutes before I am suddenly hit by another one of my usual dizzy spells, forcing me to slow down. Shortly after the dizziness my best friend, Nausea, decides to make an appearance. Then, about five seconds after the nausea I am hit with a searing pain in my head causing me to cry and drop to my knees. Clutching my head I begin screaming because of the intensity of the pain. I mean, I’ve been through pain quite a few times in my life but Oh My Good Lord this is just …WOW. It feels like someone is bashing my head with sledgehammer. Closing my eyes I can feel moisture trailing down my face. Then it comes. Those images, like last time, but instead this time they aren’t just flashes…it’s like a video clip playing right in front of me.


“Please don’t do this!” I scream breaking down into tears.

“I’m sorry sunshine, I have to,” He says with a malicious smile gracing his features.

“No you don’t, you don’t have to! Please!” I reply, still screaming. As I finish speaking I see a sliver blade glistening in the light.

How could he do this to me? I think as I see the blade coming down.


All of a sudden my vision goes red and the searing pain intensifies and the stops abruptly leaving me exhausted and causing me to collapse into the dirt.

 Just as soon as this happens I begin to hear voices approaching and that’s all it takes to snap me back to the present and that’s when the reality of the situation truly hits me and I begin literally crawling to the nearest shelter.

 Determined to get away I ignore the protests and pain from my hands and knees and begin to try to stand up while still moving forward. Seeing a little shed a few meters ahead just boosts my determination as I continue moving/getting up. After stumbling my way through a couple of meters I hear the voices gaining on me. Then suddenly two amazingly built and handsome guys stand in my way blocking my view of the shed causing me to freeze.

 “Hey fellas,” I slur offering a shaky smile to which they reply with a smirk.

 “You’ve been a naughty girl, haven’t you?” the one on the left asks, still sporting the smirk.

At this I begin stumbling back.

 “Oh don’t you worry honey, we’ll take real good care of you, won’t we Jason?” the one on the right asks, his smirk growing bigger.

As soon as I hear this I turn around and start sprinting – well my current version of it anyway.

I hear someone cuss before I am suddenly caught. With one hand holding both mine I can feel the perpetrator stick something into my arm.

 “Time to go nighty night,” I heard before blacking out. For the second time in approximately 24 hours.

 Well isn’t this my lucky day.



 Much appreciated :)

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