Chapter 2

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Hey Hey…how you guys doing :D haven’t updated in a LONG time…but it’s here :P hope you enjoy




Scarlett’s P.O.V

As soon as I leave the building the dizziness increases, so I quickly hail a cab and direct it to my home. 

“Hey lady, you don’t look so good.” The cab driver says with a slight southern twang.

“Gee thanks, that makes me feel better.” I mutter weakly.  

There’s something seriously wrong with me. I never ever get sick. Not even when I was locked in a cold room, filled with sick people, in the dead of winter with only a thin blanket to keep me warm, I still managed not to get sick. Which brings me back to thinking that this must be a life threatening disease. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if it is, with the luck I have. You know the saying: if at first you don’t succeed try, try again? Well that’s how this world is. Oh, make no mistake; I didn’t say that that’s my motto, I said it’s how the world ‘thinks’. Thus far it hasn’t succeeded in crushing me…so it tries and tries again.

“We’re here. That’ll be 30 bucks.” The cabbie says.

I hand him a 50 dollar bill muttering, “Keep the change.”

“That’s like 20 bucks!” he exclaims

“Yeah, I could die soon, might as well do something nice and up my chances of getting into heaven.” I say as I get out of the cab with him laughing and driving away not knowing that I’m dead serious.

As I get into my apartment I’m hit by a wave of nausea and I feel the bile rising up. I drop my stuff on the nearest table and sprint to the bathroom where I throw up for a second time today, which amazes me because after the first time I didn’t think there was anything left to throw up. I get up, attempting to leave when I’m forced to sit back down, overcome by the sudden wave of dizziness that hits me. That’s when the images start to hit me, and hit me hard.

Danny slicing off a guy’s head.

Danny with glowing hands.

A beautiful castle.

My dad’s car crashing.

While the images pass all I can think is: Dammit! Now I’m hallucinating too. Another thing to add to my list of unexplainable symptoms.

As soon as these images are gone I’m left with a killer headache and this time when I try to stand up there’s no dizziness. Once I’m up I wash my mouth, take some Tylenol and start running a bath. When the bath has been filled I close the tap, undress and get in; letting the warm water relax me.

I stare at the blood red and gold butterfly design of the interior of my bathroom. This is my safe haven (Well this and my bedroom of course). I think of butterflies as I drift to sleep.

On the brink of unconsciousness I hear the door opening, making me suddenly alert. Then I hear whispers.

“She’s definitely here, I can feel her energy.”

Okay…what the hell is going on? Feel my energy? Good God! Now I’m hearing voices. I think and then groan because I start feeling my bath getting cold. I get up, unplug the drain and dry myself with a nice fluffy white towel before wrapping it around myself. As I get out of the tub I almost slip but manage to steady myself and just as I’m about to open the door someone else opens it…and this someone else is a random guy. I feel my panic rising as I try to find a way out, and then he enters. I start to scream hoping, praying that someone can hear me. I can’t believe this. I just can’t catch a damn break! He starts cooing at me like I’m a wild animal and that’s when I decide…to hell with it, if I’m going to die I’m going to die fighting. It is after all what I do best. So I lash out and throw anything my hand comes into contact with but unfortunately he’s a fast motherfucker because one second he’s across the room and then like three seconds later he’s holding a cloth to my mouth.

“This won’t hurt a bit,” He mutters, “you’ve got quite the arm there.”  

And then I blackout.


I wake up to the sound of someone going at it. Groaning I begin to sit up. How she is managing to be so loud…only God knows. The walls in my house were pretty thick so for me to hear her sh-

Then I freeze. Why you ask? Because in the room I'm in, the color scheme is pink and black; because in the room I'm in, there is an intricate flower design; because in the room I'm in, there are no butterflies; and finally I freeze because the events before I blacked out come rushing back.

A sigh escapes my lips.

Well shit....doesn't life suck.                                                             


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Need a bit of motivation ‘cause I really don’t know what readers think :(

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