Chapter 1

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Crap. Crap. Crap! I'm late again! But it's seriously not my fault! What type of monster tells you to go to work at 7:00?! Only my boss I tell you...and now he's going to kill me. Maybe I should start writing my will...yeah......Leave everything to my Jakey...the love of my life, the beautiful dog I visit at the shelter. What I wouldn't give to see my 'dad's' face when he-

"Scarlett! Scarlett! Has anyone seen Scarle- oh, there you are! You're late! I need you photocopy these documents, check my notes for the meeting today and read through and correct these manuscripts then send them to Mr. Mavic's office- and please use spellcheck we all know how disastrous your spelling and grammar are." my boss smirks waving me over.

Ooh I loathe him as I'm sure everyone in this office does by now. Why is he so...demanding you ask? Simple, he's always like this...BUT... Today is the, be all/end all of him (I'm hoping for the latter). Everyone, especially him, is on edge today. He recently got a letter inviting him to a meeting with the heads of the company, this apparently usually means you're either getting a promotion or you're getting fired. So you can see how this would cause so much commotion. You see everyone hates him, he's an egotistical bastard, so if he gets fired we're finally free of him...on the other hand, if he gets a promotion he gets more power therefor putting all of us in shit.

Anyway, as I approach him I plaster on an obviously fake smile and drop my bag at my cubical on the way.

"Not a problem," I reply taking the manuscripts and documents from him and turning back to my small and stuffy cubical, assuming he'll e-mail the notes to me like he usually does.

Sitting at my desk I begin unpacking the essentials from my bag onto my table, setting aside all the documents for later.

I glance up and see the most beautiful crystal blue eyes, plumb red lips and dirty blonde hair.

"Sunshine, late today again I see. So how you feeling." Marcus asks. Marcus is absolutely gorgeous, perfect toned and lean body, chiseled and sharp facial features and awesome personality. He's my best friend / cubical mate and I kinda have a small, intsi-binsty crush on him, he's just too awesome.

"Still feeling like crap...I'm supposed to go to the doctor today for more tests," I respond grimly groaning while opening my e-mail account.

"Aw I'm sorry...still think its life threatening?" He asks chuckling ALMOST making me swoon (too bad I'm feeling too horrible)...I've known him for two years and his husky laugh still gives me shivers sometimes.

"With my luck I bet it is...look at this, my doctor just canceled my damn appointment!" I say scowling at my computer.

"I'm sure you'll be okay."

"Mhm....right." I reply distracted, officially ending the conversation. I can't freaking believe this! This is the second time a doctor's canceled my appointment. It feels like the world wants me to die. Sigh. Two doctor's down God knows how many to go.

I decided to begin with the notes. Oh how I wish I could 'mistakenly' screw up his notes. Just to get him to feel how I feel *queue evil smile*. Too bad the universe can't let me win.

Done checking and printing out the notes i moved on to the manuscripts and lastly the documents. While I was busy with the documents my sickness began acting up again...and I felt extremely sick. Not the sick you get when you're on your periods but the near death kind of sick.

I already thought about going off sick but I need all the money I can get because I don't exactly know how much my medical bill will be...but feeling like this makes me second guess myself, I mean what if I could avoid death my just taking a break...just for a few days. Suddenly I felt nauseas, running to the bathroom I opened a stall and threw up my breakfast. This is definitely not my day.

There's only one thing to do then. Taking a deep breath I pack up my stuff and walked to my boss's office, not forgetting the notes and documents. After knocking I come in. He was pacing up and down his office. I put the notes and documents on his table and begun talking.

"Uh...Sir, I was hope-"

"Have you sent the manuscripts?"

"Yes and I was-"

"Did you check my notes?"

"Yes and-"

"And photocopy the documents?"

"I've done everything! Now can I go home, I feel like death."

" look it too. If you go now it'll go down as an unpaid sick day."

I groan "Whatever." I mumble closing the door.

"Wait! I know you have the brain capacity of a monkey with a brain tumor, but could you at least try? Now, if you don't mind...before you go can you leave the notes and documents on my desk," he'd stopped pacing and was now smirking at me. It's like bringing me down calmed him and brought him joy all at once.

"Sir if you'd look on your table you'd see them in the corner. I put them there while you were doing your little thing over there." I said pointing to where he was pacing before and then closing the door and storming off. I would've banged the door but my head was ponding so that would just have been punishing myself. Luckily I had already packed my bag before going to his office so I just left.


"Have you secured the vampires in the eastern territory." I ask my right hand man, assassin and essentially my best friend Mason.

"Yeah yeah. You know, you really need to get out more...loosen up, have some fun, and maybe even bang some chick." He says smiling widely.

"I wouldn't 'bang some chick', I actually have class and I do have fun," I reply grinning, "I do rather enjoy handing those vampires their asses."

"Now onto more serious matters...what have you got so far?" I ask-back in business mode.

He's face turns grim, "You're really not gonna like this..."


Ok I know this chapter might be a bit boring but it's necessary. =D

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