Chapter 3

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Puppy Love

You're Odd:

"Luhan. Don't move."

"Well well well, look what we have here." One of the guys came out from the shadows, bringing out his entire pack. Luhan knew that voice. It was Jinwoo, a guy that has been making trouble with them for who knows how long now. They were the dangerous ones to keep an eye out for.

"Miyoung," Luhan whispered to her, "We can't let them get any farther. Tao will not forgive us-"

"I know."

"Hey, it's not polite to whisper like that." Jinwoo came closer to Miyoung, making Luhan growl, putting himself in front of her protectively.

"Stay away from her." Luhan growled louder, his eyes turning red. "This is our territory. So get lost."

"I just wanna know where you guys have been hiding."  Jinwoo smirked at the two, his eyes giving a warning look to Luhan, "Something tells me by the way you are acting, I'm getting quite close aren't I?"

"I think right here is close enough."

"What's the matter? Scared I'm gonna do something to your precious little puppies out there? I could care less about them. It's Huang Zi Tao I want, and you. The girl, too." Jinwoo's words had Miyoung's eyes widen slightly in surprise and fear while Luhan let out his deepest and angriest growl.

"You'll have to take me on first." Luhan hissed through his teeth.

Jinwoo only briefly chuckled then proceeded to punch Luhan in the face.

"Luhan!" Miyoung shouted when he fell back into her. She quickly helped him to his feet so they could fight together.

Luhan and Miyoung stood back to back as Jinwoo's pack closed in on them.

"Miyoung, get out of here." Luhan whispered, "Run back to the pack as fast as you can."

"Don't be crazy, I'm not leaving you here."

Luhan growled, "I can handle it."

Luhan pounced at one of Jinwoo's men, starting the brawl. Kicks and punches were thrown left and right. Luhan took on one, then two, then three at a time trying to get to Jinwoo. With his back turned, Miyoung pinned one of Jinwoo's pack members and spotted Jinwoo in her peripheral vision. He was sneaking up on Luhan from behind with what looked like to be a knife in his hand. She looked at Luhan then at Jinwoo then back at Luhan. She wasn't going to hesitate to protect him; Luhan, her closest friend. Her own eyes now red, she pounced on Jinwoo's back and pulled him away, grabbing Luhan's attention to turn around. 

Jinwoo managed to shove Miyoung off of himself and strike her only to have her strike back with just as much force, only she had released her claws to deeply scratch his face. Panicking, Luhan went to rush over, but two of Jinwoo's pack members stopped him by tackling him into the dirt and leaves on the forest floor. Struggling to lift his head, he saw Jinwoo get a hold of Miyoung's throat, enraged from what she had done to him. Luhan knew he would never forget that night. The night everything changed. The night he saw his Miyoung get her head collided into a tree with all the force Jinwoo could manage.

"Miyoung!" Luhan shouted at the sight of Jinwoo letting Miyoung's body fall limp to the ground at his feet.

Jinwoo had kicked and nudged with his foot in attempt to wake her up, but it was useless. Shocked at what had just occurred, Jinwoo and his pack immediately fled. Luhan stood, seeing the blood and her unconscious body on the ground. All he could think to do was run to her, take her into his bare arms, and shake her as an attempt to wake her up.

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