Chapter 6

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Puppy Love


"Luhan!" Kai ran down the hall up to Luhan with the others behind him. "I'm so sorry. We got here as soon as we could."

"It's fine," Luhan said but didn't look up at any of them. His voice sounded weak and it looked like he had only recently stopped crying. "You're here now. That's what matters."

"Luhan, I can't help but think it's my fault." Kai's voice trembled as he too began to cry. "If I hadn't blown off my watch duty and made her do it instead, then..then-"

"Stop it." Luhan glanced up from his spot on the floor. For the past two hours, he sat against the wall crying next to the door of the ICU. "It's not your fault. It's mine."

"Don't say that, Luhan." Minseok chimed in next to Kai.

"It should've been me."

"How is it your fault, Luhan? Or Kai's? Or any of us?" Kyungsoo came to the front of the group. "It was Jinwoo. We all loved Miyoung, but that shouldn't mean we should all sit here feeling sorry for ourselves."

"Kyungsoo is right." Sehun nodded. "We should be talking about how we are going to make Jinwoo pay for what he did. Where the hell is Tao? We need him more than ever right now."

"He's on his way." Luhan finally stood. "I told him everything. He just got on a plane in Shanghai. He might not get here until tomorrow."

"Luhan?" The intern nurse from before opened the door and stepped out while holding the door open with her hand. "The doctor let you in on everything, right?"

Luhan nodded in response.

"Are there any relatives of Park Miyoung that are here or that you know of?"

"Miyoung's brother is on his way here from Shanghai. Her mother is in America. The doctor already contacted her."

"Okay. Then for the time being, I guess one or two of you can come in at a time. You want to come in first?"

"Sure." Luhan nodded his head and went into the room, leaving the rest of the pack to wait out in the hall. The sight in front of him when he walked in broke his heart into a million pieces. She was so still. So absent. So lifeless.

If what the doctor said was true, then that was it. The Miyoung he had always known, always loved, was gone...


Marianne turned to see what Chanyeol was looking at and saw four young men standing there, the shortest one in the middle smiling, making his eyes look like small crescent moons.

"Hello there. I'm Suho. And this is Baekhyun, Chen, and Yixing." He greeted her with a little wave. "We're Yeolie's pack."

"H-How could this be?"Marianne looked at Chanyeol and then back at the pack. "How did you find us?"

"Purely coincidence." Baekhyun smiled a box smile so big his eyes squinted. "And who might you be?"

"I-I'm Marianne. I'm Chanyeol's-" She had no idea how to answer this question now. What was she to Chanyeol? What was Chanyeol to her? Now that he was human, she knew she could no longer call herself his owner. "-Friend."

"Any friend of Yeolie's is a friend of ours." The handsome one called Yixing made his way to the front, revealing the dimples on his cheeks.

"It's so great to see you again, brother!" Chen cheered like a dinosaur, proceeding to run and tackle Chanyeol to the ground with Baekhyun assisting him. The three group-hugged and rolled on the ground together, Chanyeol's laugh never having been brighter. Luhan rolled his eyes at the sight and pulled out his protein bar, of course immediately regretting that decision as soon as he tore off the wrapper.

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