~ Eighteen ~

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When I woke up from what felt like a refreshing and peaceful night's sleep, I kept my eyes shut. I could feel warm covers surrounding me and a soft bed underneath. I didn't want to open my eyes and find out it had all been a strange yet realistic dream. I liked the idea of having an exciting, albeit slightly terrifying life; it had its drawbacks but at least it was eventful.

I didn't want Emy to come upstairs any minute to wake me up for work, my brain had given me such a beautifully weird story. I laid still and listened for some indication as to where I was, as though hearing it would be easier than seeing it; whether I was back home or in that new, peculiar world that I had seen so vividly.

Then I heard it, a door opening and Emy's voice calling out to me. "Cass, are you still in bed? Come on, get up!"

She was getting closer and my heart sank so fast into the depths of my stomach, I almost felt like it had dropped out. I realised then how much I wanted it all to be real, even that monstrosity in the barn and how we were to fight things like it. I sighed deeply and opened my eyes, ready for the disappointment to solidify.

I gasped at the sight around me, I was in the same purple room with the huge fireplace and laid in the same oversized, comfortable bed. The curtains were still down over the archway but light was pouring in through the little windows. I sat up to take it all in once again, I noticed there were clothes laid out for me over the trunk at the foot of my bed and my bag was gone.

It was all real, my doubt had been so close to solidifying that the relief I felt in that moment was breathtaking. I knew I'd have to stop doubting that this really was my life now. I jumped up out of bed and ran to the arch just as Emy opened the curtains, I barrelled into her.

She caught me before we both fell over and let out a laugh. "Where are you going in such a hurry and in your pyjamas too? There are guys out there, you know?"

She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I was already grinning enough to make my cheeks hurt, now they were bright red too.

"I was just coming to see you and to check everything, and to just... I don't know... I'm just really glad I didn't dream it all." I said it all really fast and I was bouncing on the balls of my feet.

Emy laughed harder and held onto my shoulders. "Cass, calm down, yes it's all real and no you didn't dream it, I might have to pinch you every time you doubt it."

I kept my grin but shook my head, "No that's okay... I can't help it though, I'm just strangely excited that we're here."

She nodded and I could tell my excitement was catching.

"It's crazy but I am too, now that I've had some sleep... sooo, are you going to get dressed any time soon? I came to see if you fancied exploring the house with me?"

I peered down at my pyjamas and giggled to myself, "It might take us a week but yeah I wanna explore! I'll go get dressed, what time is it anyway?"

I walked back into the bedroom and she followed, looking around as she did so.

"Oh, I asked your dad just before I came here and he said around eleven thirty, I haven't seen a clock anywhere though so I don't know how he figures that one out."

I stopped halfway through getting dressed and widened my eyes, "Eleven thirty? We only had a few hours sleep? It felt like much longer."

Emy grinned widely, "No we slept for a full day and night, although you slept a lot longer than I did."

I gawped at her, a full day of sleep? I hadn't slept for that long, ever, not even when I had been poorly as a kid. I was surprised Emy wasn't complaining about missing that much time but she seemed content to survey the bedroom whilst perched on the bed.

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