~ Thirty-three ~

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Everyone seemed unusually stunned at the interaction but my mum soon brought them round with things that needed to be done. My dad got his orders to take me straight to my suite and I was to go straight to bed with no arguments. I didn't get chance to hear what everyone else was doing. He carried me off to my suite and placed me down on my bed, making sure I was comfortable.

My mum arrived soon after, she stowed my bag in the wardrobe and stoked the fire that was already blazing. I could see how relieved they both were to be home but before I could question them about the issues in Eribourne, someone knocked at the door. My dad went to answer it and came back a few minutes later.

"I have some things to attend to, I will come back a little later to check on you." He nodded his head to me, smiled and then disappeared through the archway.

Once my mum was done prepping my room and me, she proceeded to pull an armchair into my bedroom and set it by the side of my bed. She went on to plump the cushions and took a blanket out of one of the dressers, much to my confusion.

"Are you planning to stay in here all night?" I asked incredulously, I thought we were done with the night watches.

"Yes, I am, at least for tonight. You are still injured and it will take some time for the Eribourne security group to patrol the whole city. You are not going to be on your own while you are defenceless, I will not let anything else hurt you."

"I wouldn't say I was defenceless," I started, thinking back to the strange force that had set the Dark Horror on fire and protected me from its final blow.

"Well you cannot wield a sword or fight in your state, so that is exactly what I would say."

I pondered whether now was the right time to tell her the finer details of what had happened, but the weariness I saw on her face stopped me. She had gone through too much in the last few days, I couldn't add something else to her list of worries. From everything I'd heard about magic, if that is what it was, then it wasn't the gift I'd always thought it would be.

I decided I'd tell my parents after everyone had rested, give them enough time to recover from recent events. As my mum bustled off to the other room, I picked up the book on my dresser and tried to read. I needed the distraction it usually gave me but it was too difficult to get into it, my mind was racing.

I put the book down and stared at the blazing fire, "I'd love a good film to watch right about now."

I thought I had said it quietly but my mum must have heard me, "You need rest, not television. Some food is being brought up as we speak and then you should sleep some more, it will help your head and your leg."

"All I have done is sleep! I'm fine now, my head doesn't hurt and my leg is getting better."

It wasn't exactly a lie, my leg did hurt a little less than the day before but I wasn't completely fine.

My mum saw straight through it anyway, she came walking into my bedroom with a stern look on her face.

"Unless you can get up right now on your own and walk to the bathroom without limping, you will keep resting."

She arched a brow in challenge and I huffed, she knew I wouldn't be able to.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and my mum disappeared under the arch to answer it. I heard her talking with someone and soon she came back in with a tray of food, enough for the two of us. We ate and talk for a little while, I could see that she was exhausted but she wouldn't rest until I was all cared for. Behind the strange clothes and accent, she was still my mum, I was her number one priority and it made me smile widely.

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