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One Shot #3 : The One Where They're At Starbucks.


Call it jet lag, lack of caffeine, or the fact that their very own Daniel Atlas had forced everyone up before seven after gaining only four hours of sleep, but they were exhausted.  

It was eight o'clock in the morning and the tired foursome sat on the couches provided by the coffee store – which was completely empty of other people. They'd been in Paris, pin tracking and semi-stalking their target for the future show in Las Vegas - which would be played out in a few months: Etienne Forcier.

Merritt's fedora had been covering his eyes and his slumped figure against the comfortable seat would suggest he'd been fast asleep. Jack was constantly falling in and out of consciousness, his head jumping up every time his mind had realized he were about to fall asleep. Daniel himself seemed in the best shape of all four of the horsemen. He was tired, yes. But, he seemed to be handling it rather well. Despite his slow movements and reactions he could easily pass as fully awake to the regular by passer. He was even awake enough to notice the male barista flirt with his fellow female horsemen as she ordered their drinks - considering she spoke the country's language the best. He was awake enough to feel the familiar rush of anger and disappointment whenever he watched another man take an interest in the redhead. Speaking of which, Henley herself was quite enraged with the ringleader of their little group. Not only had he woken them up at a far too early time, he'd refused to let them have breakfast. The only reason they were at the coffee shop in the first place was the constant death threats Henley had promised to comply with during the car ride that had cut short to the nearest Starbucks in order to shut his ex-assistant up. After a little laugh escaped those (for once) unpainted lips, she'd paid the tall, tanned, cashier and waited for their soon to be ready drinks. And five minutes later, they were.

Walking back to their table, after having managed to balance all four of their drinks, she'd placed said beverages onto the table their contact with the surface managing to knock Jack back into consciousness, and their bittersweet aroma being able to grab the attention of Merritt – who apparently wasn't actually sleeping.

"One caramel Frappuccino for Jackie," She said and handed him the cold drink, furrowing her eyebrows at his choice of caffeine considering she preferred much warmer beverages.

"Well fucking finally," he remarked taking the cup from her hands and yawning before inserting the straw into the plastic cup. The horsemen, in the six months that they'd been living together, had learned that Jack Wilder wasn't exactly a morning person – and that might've as well been the understatement of the century.

"Thanks Hen," he added realizing he'd been a bit harsh with his previous words. She sent him a small smile as if assuring him that she wasn't affected by his previous remark, but was still nonetheless grateful for the thankful attitude.

After passing around all of their drinks, she'd taken her seat next to Daniel and began to sip on her own warm drink. There was a comfortable silence for a while, everyone simply enjoying their drinks and sobering up for the long day ahead. Daniel was halfway through his drink when he turned the cup around only to be greeted with the name tag - which Henley had personally chosen for him- written in black ink on the Starbucks cup.

"Atlas The Asshole, real clever Henely," he remarked reading it off the cup, while throwing a glare in the redhead's direction when Jack burst out laughing.

"That's classic," he said reaching over to high-five the escape artist who giggled before returning the high-five both of them ignoring the pissed of look that Atlas threw at them.

"It was either that or Daniel The Douche," Merritt let out a good snort, before fist bumping the girl for her choice and play on words. Daniel simply raised his eyebrows in amusement and shook his head at his fellow horsemen's immaturity.

"How very creative of you," the illusionist commented, all heads turning to face him.

"Oh, only the very best for you Danny," she replied her voice dripping of sarcasm, he raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner and she returned the stare.

"Right, now as much as I hate to break this all up, especially seeing as the sexual tension is remarkably thick, we have innocent eyes over here," Merritt began pointing over to Jack who was snickering at Henley and Daniel's flustered expressions.

"I mean it's nothing personal, simply for the sake of poor Jackie boy's innocence, but could you maybe spare us the inevitable magic porn?"

By now Jack had been lost in a laughing fit as Daniel struggled to find and or form the correct response to Merritt. Henley was just as bad, blushing madly at what Merritt had suggested shaking her head at the thought and trying to rid of the red tinting her cheeks.

Maybe it was because they'd all finally sobered up and were fully awake, or maybe it was because Jack's laugh was simply that contagious, but no sooner than later all four of the Four Horsemen had found themselves laughing along with the young Wilder.

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