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One Shot #5 : 

The One With The Shirtless Wilder 


They had to admit, despite having to stay up late most nights planning for this incredibly farfetched scheme there had been many plus sides to the whole set up. For one if they were to succeed they would have the chance with joining the Eye. Another thing was their new benefactor: Arthur Tressler. Not only was he extremely wealthy, but he was so incredibly invested with the Horsemen that'd he'd made sure to provide them with the best of everything with no questions asked. After months of barely fitting in the small apartment that they'd rented out, having a large suite with four rooms larger than the whole of their last apartment with daily room service which was a rather fresh change from their Chinese takeout was to say the least quite worth the wait. But the best part, as per quoted by Jack Wilder, was their indoor pool - also provided by Tressler.

And when Henley walked into Jack's new room to inform him that breakfast had arrived only to find him posing in front of his mirror shirtless and in a pair of swimming trunks, she'd not only burst out laughing but took out her phone to snap a picture of the scene. As for Jack, well he was a blushing mess as Henley called over for Daniel and Merritt to see what was going on and when they'd arrived at the door they'd been in the same state as Henley - bowling over with laughter.

"Okay, okay, you've got it out of your system. Can we just go and eat?" A now irritated Jack Wilder asked of his fellow horsemen who were still recovering from their laughing fit.

"Aren't you going to put a shirt on, bud?" Daniel asked, while Henley wiped away the tears that had formed in her eyes due to all the laughing that she had just done.

"Actually, no. Enjoy the view," he winked before walking past the three of them. And though the modelling had been absolutely ridiculous, Henley couldn't deny that having a young, good looking and most definitely incredibly fit member in the group wasn't at the most very eye-catching.

During breakfast, Merritt being the nosy little shit he was had caught onto the realization that despite her ever so obvious feelings of affection for Atlas, Henley was incredibly turned on by the sight of the shirtless Wilder having breakfast oblivious to this. So, of course being Merritt he'd decided to have fun with this new piece of information he'd gathered.

"Jack," Merritt began, grabbing the sleight's attention who looked up from his plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, fried mushrooms and beans.

"Mhm," he replied, swallowing down some of his eggs with a glass of orange juice.

"Could you be a dear and fetch me a beer from the fridge?"

Catching on to what Merritt was trying to do, given the small smirk he'd thrown in Henley's way before asking the question, she tried to stop it.

"Beer in the morning Merritt? That's kind of uncalled for," Henley commented glaring at him the whole time.

"He has beer all the time, Hen. Does it really matter when he drinks it," Atlas piped in, looking up from his own plate giving her a questionable look with a small shrug of the shoulders.

"Thank you, Daniel. Una beera por favor," Merrit grinned at Henley, who clenched her jawline clearly planning how Merritt would die tonight.

"I don't think that's the Spanish word for beer, but sure," Jack laughed, before standing up and walking towards the fridge.

"Oh, no, no, no," Merritt stopped him from opening the large fridge just as his hand gripped the handle of it.

"What now Merritt?" Henley asked annoyed. Merritt smiled at her, before turning his head to face Jack.

"The beer I want is in the smaller fridge," he announced and Daniel raised an eyebrow at the suspicious behavior playing in front of him.

"What's wrong with the beer in that fridge?"

"It doesn't satisfy my beer-needing needs as much as the beer in the smaller freezer, which by the way you'll find is right to the left of Henley's seat over next to the armchair. Thanks Jackie," Merritt explained completely ignoring the death glares Henley was throwing him. Daniel shrugged before cutting another strip of bacon with his knife and throwing it in his mouth.

'Why do I say yes?" Jack muttered under his breath before walking over to where Merritt had instructed and opened the fridge before bending down to grab a bottle of beer for the eldest of the horsemen.

"Just like that," Merritt commented watching Henley's face redden as she bit her lip at the sight of the youngest horseman's rear end in perfect view for her.

After that whole show, Jack had walked over to the counter where he opened up the beer with the bottle opener before walking back to the table and handing Merritt the bottle.

"Gracias," Merritt thanked before taking a quick sip of the beer taking delight in how flustered the redhead had been rendered.

"Shit, Hen. Your lip is bleeding," Jack commented before handing her a couple of tissues, completely oblivious as to the cause of it.

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