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One Shot #9 : The One With Fairy Lights.


Snowflakes descended from the skies and pilled on the streets forming deep layers of snow where children played around all day in. They built snowmen and had snowball fights while their moms and nannies stressed over the possibility of Jack Frost nipping at their kids' noses. In other words, they didn't want their children catching colds. In paradox to the freezing cold of the outside atmosphere the horseman's home was surrounded by warmth and comfort.

Atlas stood in the kitchen, a Christmas themed apron wrapped around his torso with both his sleeves rolled up at his elbows. Over three pots surrounded him all filled with either boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes, or the main dish for the night that was placed inside a deep rectangular pan. His eyebrows ceased in stress as he jumped from one dish to the next trying to make sure that everything was going to be cooked to perfection. Nothing could go wrong. Nothing would go wrong according to his calculations actually. And so, Danny spent his Christmas afternoon making sure that the turkey and all the other side dishes would be cooked to the point where just smelling their aroma could make someone moan with pleasure. Come that same evening and he could proudly state his mission completed. Hours were spent at perfecting the mash potatoes to make sure that not a single lump remained in the whole bowl. Along with stuffing the turkey and adding just the right amount of spices (two and just a little over a quarter tea-spoons) to the steaming gravy.

"Come on Danny. Just one taste. You're killing me," Jack begged and pleaded trying to sneak just one taste of the superb smelling dinner and despite being one of the best sleights on the whole planet Daniel still managed to slap his hand away from the numerous dishes.

"Listen kid, I spent approximately six hours plus working on this beautiful and delicious piece of artwork. And you'll get to savor its beauty in its entirety along with the rest of us at dinner. Which by the way, is in exactly two hours and twenty-three minutes. Surely, you can find something else to occupy yourself during the time being."

Growling at him, Jack walked away from the kitchen, his stomach still aching for just one bite of the juicy and alluring looking turkey that sat on the kitchen counter practically calling out to him. Walking out with curled fists into the living room where Henley stood on a stool adjusting the final touches to the numerous Christmas decorations, Jack huffed out in annoyance and sank into one of the red arm chairs.

Looking down at him, Henley chuckled amusedly, "And what's got your panties in a twist?"

"Stupid, dumb Danny," he answered, arms crossed around his chest as he pouted and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah I've been there before," Henley mumbled before returning to her job of hanging the fairy lights.

"God Hen," Jack groaned out in a disgusted manner making her let out a hearty laugh. Not being able to resist, he joined her in the small fit until their laughter died out.

"What do you think?" She asked motioning to the nearly complete string of lights that decorated their living room wall.

"Impressive," he remarked his hands placed on his thighs as he carefully observed the walls.

"Really? Cause you don't really seem too . . . impressed."

Letting out a small laugh, Jack shook his head, "No it's not that. It's just. Don't they seem kind of empty to you?"

"Empty in what sense, exactly?" Henley asked partially confused.

Shrugging and making that weird little nervous noise he does, Jack sighed before motioning towards the lights,"They could use a little, I don't know, decorating."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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