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One Shot # 6 :

The One Where Daniel Gets Mobbed


It was a day filled with planning for the upcoming heists for the foursome, and after a three month trip to Paris completely filled with tracking their target and trying to convince him to attend their show that would be held in merely a fortnight from tonight, along with Daniel's constant worrying about the tiniest of details that they'd all already known were perfect, with Jack's cards constantly scratching at her skin when he threw them across the room, and how could she forget Merritt's constant attempts to "woo" her into his bed, Henley could proudly announce that she was exhausted. And she'd made that perfectly clear to her fellow horsemen when she'd ignored all of Daniel's requests and protests after they'd come home from shopping for the outfits they would be wearing on the night of the Las Vegas show; ran into her room, stripped into a pair of shorts and a simple black tank top, lay on her bed and shut her eyes until she was in a blissful sleep. 

"Bravo Daniel," Merritt walked up behind the blue eyed illusionist while applauding sarcastically, "there goes m-our dinner."

"Pipe down, would you? We all know I'm the one that regularly cooks anyway," Danny replied waving him off and walking behind the kitchen counter watching as Merritt walked up to him with now an open beer bottle in his hand.

"Yeah, but," he stopped midsentence taking a quick sip of the drink before continuing, "You don't look sexy in an apron, now do you?"

Scoffing at him, Daniel proudly grabbed the green and white apron and pulled it over himself, "you're telling me this," he began while continuously gesturing up and down his figure, "isn't sexy enough for you?"

"Pretty sexy to me," Jack spoke up walking in from the connected balcony to stand next to Danny, who turned to him and sent him a smirk.

"See, Jackie here knows what he's talking about," he cheered placing his hand on the younger magician's shoulder giving it a tight squeeze.

"Well, aren't you two cute?" Merritt cooed taking one more sip before tossing the now empty bottle in the trashcan behind him, "Jackie, a beer please."

Snapping his fingers a beer bottle had 'suddenly' appeared out of nowhere and the sleight tossed it over to the waiting mentalist who watched the younger boy with a slight amusement as he shook his head at the unnecessary flourish.

Rolling his eyes, Daniel applauded sarcastically before walking over to the oven where he took out an empty pot and filled it with cooking oil, "That was uh, very cute," Daniel mumbled under his breath, completely unimpressed by the younger magician's messily attempts to show off.

"Thanks, Danny," Jack mused, walking up behind the magician before playfully slapping his apron covered ass. Stifling a chuckle, Merritt nearly chocked on his beer as Daniel jumped in surprise.

"Also cute," Daniel continued to mumble under his breath, looking up to catch the cheeky wink Jack had sent back in reply to the muffled comment.

"You kid, are awesome," Merritt commented handing the beer and Jack happily took it before getting stopped by Daniel himself.

"Aren't you still underage?" He teased playfully, fully aware of how Jack absolutely hated when people mocked him for his young age.

"I turned twenty-two a month ago and you fucking know it," was his reply before he happily chugged down all of what was left of the bottle, before standing up to grab two more.

"I know," Daniel began turning to give him a small, smug smile while shrugging his shoulders, "it's just so fun to wind you up," he commented while ruffling up Jack's hair while said boy frowned and swatted his hands away.

Now You See Me (One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora