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One Shot #4 : 

The One Where They Have Sushi 


Walking into the neat and classy restaurant the Four Horsemen admired the place where they were going to be having dinner. Having been together for merely around three to four months now and having all agreed that as much as they'd loved Chinese takeout it was time for a change they'd agreed on a going to the cool new sushi restaurant that had opened up close to where they were living. After performing minor street shows and incorporating their ideas and acts with one another they'd come to realize that they could actually make a good group and the money they'd made along the way was just another win. And after saving up just enough money for this month's rent and for the sushi – which they'd all kept in mind wouldn't be cheap – they'd dressed up in their nicest clothes and walked to the Sushi restaurant. The waitress had guided them to their table which was situated so that one side used couches as seats and the other side had the ordinary chair set. Henley and Jack sat on the chairs while Merritt and Daniel sat on the couches facing each other respectfully. Not minding that he'd taken the lead for once his fellow horsemen allowed Daniel to order for them seeing as Henley could barely pronounce any of the names, Merritt didn't like ordering in the first place and this was all too foreign to the youngest of their group.

The lady had brought them their menus and two plates filled with slices of carrot and cucumber and another filled with some green sauce that was actually quite delicious when the vegetables were dipped into it. A few seconds later she'd come up to ask for their order, which Daniel had taken care off completely ignoring the look of utter confusion on Jack's face as he looked at the colorful food on the menu.

"Right, any drinks?" The waitress had asked after jotting down the majority of what Daniel had ordered.

The ringleader looked at his friends and proudly recited their usual drinks, "Two diet Pepsi's, one red wine, and one beer."

The waitress smiled and informed them that their food would be ready in around twenty minutes. Opening up their chopsticks, the older horsemen began picking up their cucumbers and carrots and dipping it into the green sauce while the youngest of their group looked at them quizzically before attempting to hold the chopsticks only for them to fall out of his hand and land on the table.

"You having trouble over there Jackie?" Henley spoke up looking to her left to look closely at the magician failing to hold his chopsticks.

"I-uh," He began his voice cracking of embarrassment as his fellow horsemen looked at him closely observing him.

"I never really learned how to use chopsticks," he continued as if almost unsure if that were the right answer. Henley cocked her head in amusement while Daniel furrowed his eyebrows confused to whether he was joking or not – they'd have Chinese food all the time, which was eaten by the all of them (as far as he'd known) with chopsticks.

"But," Daniel began swallowing down the rest of his cucumber before pausing for a few seconds as if trying to find a way to phrase his next sentence, "we have Chinese food all the time."

Jack looked at his idol before looking down in embarrassment as he realized how lame he probably seemed. Truth be it, while running away all his life Jack never really had the time to learn how to use the utensils. As for the Chinese food, he'd always eaten with a fork. Granted, they probably wouldn't have noticed due to how extremely tired and hungry they'd be considering the long hours of researching and planning they'd have done. So, it could be assumed that no one really planned on paying attention on anything rather than their own food and getting it into their systems.

"Yeah, we do. That doesn't necessarily mean I eat my share of it with chopsticks like the rest of you do," he explained finally looking up to face them.

"Well, it's never too late to learn Champ," Merritt finally spoke up after lightly kicking the younger member's foot underneath the table in an attempt to rid him of his embarrassment.

Jack smiled a short smile as if to assure him the he were fine. A few minutes later all three of the horsemen had made it their top priority to try and teach him the basic technique of holding the pair of chopsticks with Daniel getting up from his seat and kneeling next to Jack guiding him orally while Henley was fixing his hand positioning along with Merritt demonstrating to Jack using his own chopsticks to pick up the last bit of carrots and cucumber.

Soon enough, Jack had gotten the hang of it, and despite the couple of times he'd lost his grip on the chopsticks prompting him to drop the sushi (which he'd later mentioned he'd never tried before) right into his soy sauce, it was still a great night filled with laughter and a great bonding experience for the four members who'd felt a lot more closer during the walk home.

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