Chapter 9

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Tina was beginning to worry. Courtney said she would be back in an hour. That was two hours ago. She didn't want to call checking up on her, she hated that and complained. Tina walked out on her porch and looked down the street. Everything looked normal. Walking back inside 'thirty more minutes' she thought. 'Then I'm checking up on her.'
Billy took off his uniform shirt and dug out his tank top. "Might as well be comfortable" he said looking at Courtney. "If you don't mind I'd like to put my jeans on unless you'd rather watch" he said smirking. Courtney frowned and went outside. She walked up closer to the fence. "Mrs. Abrams is that you?" she asked. The woman behind the gate lunged reaching through the bars. Courtney jumped back. Billy walked up beside Courtney. What she had told him made sense by the sight of the crazy crowd but zombies? It couldn't be possible. "They quiet down when you stay out of sight. But when they see you they act all mental like that" he said pointing at the zombies. He still had on the gun belt that went with his uniform. "Come on let's go up to your place. I wanna see that news report" Billy said with his hand on Courtney's shoulder. They turned back up the street hoping those gates held.
Haley was worried about Courtney, she should have been here by now. They lived on the same street. She stared out the window hoping to see her friend. She didn't want to call Tina and get her friend in trouble. 'She just went somewhere else first. She'll be here' she thought.

Travis kept sliding trying to climb the bars. Looking down he was just out of reach of the zombies below. He had to make it. Falling would mean sure death. Slowly he kept climbing gripping tight. He could feel blisters forming on his hands. The zombies below we're moaning loudly and reaching for him. Hoping for him to fall so they could stop there pain. Travis kept inching further up until he finally reached the top. Now was going to be tricky. On top of each bar was a pointed spear. Slowly he got both hands and feet up between each bar and jumped down to the other side. He screamed in pain of the sudden impact. Waves of pain shot up his legs and back. He twisted his ankle when he landed wrong. He rubbed the back of his head and felt a knot as he tried to stand. He looked back at the zombies on the other side of the fence. "Hah" he screamed at them, "go to hell!" He limped in the direction of Haley's.

Courtney stopped in front of Haley's house. "I'm the fourth house on the left" she told Billy. "You go ahead, I'm going to talk to a friend." Courtney left him on the sidewalk and walked into Haley's house.
Billy walked up four houses then knocked on the door. Tina answered, seeing the guard at the door she raised her eyebrows and gasped fearing her baby was hurt. "Um Courtney told me to come here, that I needed to watch the news" Billy said with a nervous laugh. "Where is she" Tina asked looking behind him. "A few houses down" Billy pointed down the street, "she said she was going to visit a friend."
Tina nodded. "How did she get up with you. She was supposed to have went straight to a friends house." "She came and asked me if I had seen her boyfriend." Tina tightened her lips together. "Well come on in then" she said stepping aside so he could pass. "Would you like a cup of coffee or tea" Tina asked. "Coffee would be nice. Thank You" Billy said. "Well have you a seat. The remote is next to the couch, help yourself. Billy thanked her again as he reached for the remote. Flicking it on he sat and listened to the news reporter and watched as the helicopter flew around filming the footage around Madison County. He flipped through other stations listening to there broadcasts. One local station had a phone number scrolling across the bottom and talking about tips from the people calling in. "Thank you callers for the tips we have received. For you who are still listening here are some things that may help for you to survive." Tina brought Billy his coffee and sat across from him in a chair. "So far we have the following tips. The contaminated do not like fire. They back away from big flames. Also, they cannot swim in deep water. They sink to the bottom. Although, it doesn't kill them. Reports say they will walk under the water.
They cannot climb steep hills but can climb stairs. People have also reported that some of the beings are faster then others. Some run where others just stagger along. These beings are attracted to certain noises such as the sound of a motor and gunshots. The military are setting up safe zones on islands off the coasts. The only advantage we have, the contaminated do not fear for there own well being. So they do not run from a weapon or vehicle pointed at them." Then the television repeated the same things that Tina, Courtney, and Tyrone had already heard. Realization of a zombie reality hit Billy. "Do you have any gas?" Billy asked Tina. "There may be some in the garage for the lawnmower" Tina said confused. "That will work" Billy said, "How about glass bottles and old rags?" "I don't know you can check in the garage" Tina said. Billy stood up and Tina showed him to the garage. "These things are scared of fire" he told Tina, "we need to get them away from the gates before they bust through." Finding what he needed Tina let him use her car.

Carter drove to the highway back toward town. His gas light begin blinking. There was an Apple Market a couple miles up the road. Pulling up to the pumps he turned off the ignition and looked around not seeing any zombies. Getting out he walked to the store entrance. He walked in looking around with his sword in his hand. "Hey anybody here" he yelled. A dragging noise reverberated from the back behind the last aisle. Carter walked over to the aisle to see a zombie limping toward him. It was dragging its foot that looked to be broken. Carter swung his sword taking off the top half of its head. It crumpled to the ground. "Anymore of you blood suckers want some" he yelled out. Not hearing anything else he walked behind the counter and turned on the gas pump. Outside Carter set the nozzle to fill up his jeep as he went back inside stuffing a bag with water, soda, and food. His stomach growled and he remembered not eating anything this morning. He opened a loaf of bread and fixed him a sandwich. Washing it down with a cold soda and chips. He filled up a few gas cans putting them and his supplies in the back. Now he was on his way to the gun shop.

Travis's ankle hurt with each step he took. He managed to make it to Haley's. Without knocking he limped through the door and Haley screamed. Her dad ran in with a ball bat. "Say something" he growled. "Something" Travis said throwing his hands up in the air. The man lowered his bat and Travis turned to Haley. "Where's Courtney, she was supposed to be here." "What happened to you? I thought you were one of those things" Haley said calming down. "It's a long story. Where's Courtney?" he asked. "She went home about five minutes ago. You just missed her" Haley said. Travis said nothing as he limped back out the door and up the sidewalk.

Davis thought of Smiths gun shop. He had busted him more than once for selling illegal weapons. It was on the outskirts of the south side of town. He took the off roads in hopes of not drawing to much attention. Turning on the radio, the local station was talking about tips that some people had called in. He sat and listened to the whole broadcast as it repeated itself. He had to drive on the sides of some roads in places to get past traffic jams. He pulled up close to the entrance of the gun shop. He noticed there were dead bodies strewn around the parking lot. Pulling his pistol he walked through the door into the gun shop. "Hello" he yelled. Not hearing anything he holstered his pistol and made his way to the door of the back room. Knocking loudly on the door he listened for movement on the other side. He felt something hard put to the back of his head and heard the familiar click of a hammer being cocked. He tensed putting his hands up by his head. "I don't want any trouble" he said. "What are you doing here" a hatred voice said behind him. "Just trying to survive, that's it" Davis said. He felt the cold steel move off his head and slowly turned around. The gun aimed at his face. "Just put the gun down. I'm not here to cause you any trouble" Davis said.

Carter had quickly eradicated the monsters in the parking lot. Searching the store he found no zombies inside. The door luckily had been locked. A car pulled into the parking lot. He was the cop Carter had seen at school. Quickly he ducked behind the corner out of sight. The cop walked in and Carter sneaked up behind him putting his pistol to his head. After confronting him he lowered his gun. The two men stared at each other. Davis lowered his hands slowly. "Its good to see another living soul" he said. Carter walked backward up to the glass case behind him keeping an eye on Davis, he began taking out boxes of .357 and 12 gauge shells. Davis stood there watching him. "What? Gonna arrest me officer?" Carter asked him. "No, but I could use your help though" Davis said. Carter stopped what he was doing and looked at the man. "I know where two survivors are. I could use your help to go get them" Davis said. "Why should I help you, do i look like a super hero" asked Carter. "Well if us living stick together we may have a better chance to beat this thing" answered Davis ignoring the sarcasm. Carter looked down at the floor. He was only interested in killing every zombie he could. Every time he saw one of the abominations, he thought of his parents, making his blood feel as if it were boiling. But the man did make sense. He could kill zombies and if he helped someone in the process then it wouldn't be so bad either. He looked back at the cop and held his hand out, "as long as I kill as many zombies as I can, I'm in. My names Carter Murphy." Davis reached out and shook his hand. "Zombies?" Davis asked. Carter give him a hateful look. "Yeah zombies, have you seen whats happening outside lately. The world is fucked!" Davis held his hands up in surrender. "Yeah, good point, I'm Shane Davis, its nice to meet you Carter."

Tyrone sneaked from car to car ducked down out of site. He reached the first cruiser but it had a flat tire. Sneaking around to the next car he tried the keys and opened the door. He tossed his supplies in the back seat. He heard the zombies start moaning loudly. Taking a peek the zombies were looking in his direction. Jumping in he slammed the door and locked it. The zombies were walking toward the cruiser. "Oh hell no" he screeched. The key ring fell from his shaking hands as he tried to get them in the ignition switch. He reached down picking them up. Standing next to his window, with just the glass between them, was a huge zombie. He was about 6ft tall and looked to be four hundred pounds of muscle. 'Was he a wrestler or something' Tyrone thought sticking the key in the ignition while watching the zombie. It snarled its lips and a deep growl escaped its chest. The smell didn't bother Tyrone since being in the jail with Ralph and the dead cop. But this zombie had pieces of flesh between its yellow teeth. Turning the key the engine stalled and died. 'Oh hell no, come on baby' Tyrone said panicky. Hearing the motor sputter, the zombie hit the drivers side window with both fists. Leaving spiderweb cracks where his fists landed. Panicked Tyrone tried it again and pumped the gas. Other zombies had surrounded the car. In front of the car moaning were two of his cellmates. The big zombie raised his fists back again and the engine turned over. Tyrone threw the car in gear and hit the gas as the zombie brought his fists down. The back glass splintered as Tyrone sped out. The cellmate zombies had no regard to there own safety as Tyrone revved the engine and drove over them. The tires spun as the car tried driving over the cellmates bodies. "Dam your a big fucker" Tyrone said glancing through his side mirror at the big zombie when he left the parking lot.

Travis walked up on the porch and this time knocked in the door. Courtney opened the door and jumped back at the site. "Travis? Oh Travis! " she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I was so worried. Come in here." She took his hand and lead him into the house. "Oh my word, son what happened" Tina said startled at the sight of Travis. "Long story but I made it back." Travis said, his eyes closed and head laid back in the chair. "Well Travis you look like you could use a shower" Tina said. Travis raised his head up looking at her. "Do I look that bad" he chuckled. He stood up and walked to the hall mirror looking at his reflection. "Yeah I guess your right" he said frowning at the image looking back at him. "I'm going to start dinner. Courtney can you show Travis where the bathroom is dear?" Tina asked. Courtney nodded motioning Travis to follow her. Travis picked up his backpack and let her lead the way.

Billy stopped at the gates. He filled three bottles half full of gasoline and stuffed half the rag in the bottle. Lighting the end of the rag sticking out he threw them one by one over the bars into the swarm. Instantly they began catching on fire and scream moaning. "Go back to hell" Billy yelled. He walked back to the car crossing his arms, leaning on the hood. The blazing zombies were stumbling in circles and sticking there arms out. The others were backing away from them. Billy watched until the flames incinerated most of the zombies. Where they fell and burned out, others took there place beating on the gate. The sun was going down in the horizon. Billy got into the car and drove back to the McDaniels home.

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