Chapter 12

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Courtney was still lying in a deep sleep in the bed when Billy returned. She was a little warm but not what you would call feverish for the time being. The sun was setting, a beautiful warm pink, orange and red glow. 'Maybe the only thing left that was beautiful in a ravaged world' he thought staring out the front door. He was thinking in his mind about an escape route. He needed a ticket out of here. It wasn't if but when the gate gave way. He wouldn't be able to protect the people here. The subdivision was a big place with hundreds of people. Rich people at that, most wouldn't even own a weapon. Let alone know how to use one. All he had was the pistol. He had already used some of the only ammo he had in it.

Carter was talking quietly with Kaitlin while the others talked with her mother. They were briefing her on what was going on outside the gates. "I told you I would be here" Carter was saying. Kaitlin smiled, "yeah, I knew you would." "So tell me what happened with Travis" he said. "All I know is what Haley told me. She said he nearly scared her to death when he walked in. His hair was matted to his head. His clothes were ripped and dirty. He smelled foul. She said he left to Courtney's house." Carter nodded his head. "Well I'm gonna go check for myself" he said standing up. "Can I come with you?" she asked skittishly. Carter shrugged his shoulders and walked out the front door. "Where's he going" asked Davis to Kaitlin from the kitchen. "To Courtney McDaniels house up the street" she replied walking out the door. "Lets go" Davis said to Tyrone. Mattie took Anthony's hand and followed.

Billy was standing on the porch when he saw Carter and five others pull up in front of the house. Billy stepped onto the top step. "What do you want?" he asked. "What are you doing here?" the girl walking up the walkway asked. He recognized her from working here so long. "I asked you first" Billy said crossing his arms. "Where's Courtney" she asked stopping at the bottom steps. Billy looked intimidating to her. Billy turned and looked at the house then back to her. "She's sleeping" he replied. "Travis come here" asked Carter standing next to Kaitlin. "He was" Billy said. The four looked at each other. Something wasn't right here they thought. Travis wouldn't have left with everything that's happening. Kaitlin took out her cell and walked back to the jeep with Carter following. A few minutes passed then Haley came walking up the road. She was outspoken and Kaitlin knew she would get answers. Haley walked up to Billy. "What are you doing here Billy?" she asked. "Tina wants me here" was his reply. "Well move I need to speak with Courtney" Haley said as she tried to push passed him. "She's sleeping" Billy said not budging. He knew when Courtney turned things could go very bad very fast. "Move!" Haley said forcefully. Billy didn't move. "Listen mister we are going in there. These kids know this family and there's something your not telling us. So either move or be moved," said Davis. "No one is going in this house" Billy said pulling his revolver. Kaitlin and Haley gasped stepping back. Anthony began to cry so Mattie picked him up and soothed him. Carter walked up to Billy standing in front of the gun barrel. "Either fucking move outta my way or pull the trigger" Carter said glaring at him. "I don't want to hurt you boy, step back" Billy growled. "Make me" Carter growled back. Tyrone and Davis had pulled there own pistols aiming them at Billy. "I would advise you to stand down mr." Davis yelled. "Fine. Go ahead then." Billy said turning to walk in the house followed by Carter.
Billy led them to the upstairs master bedroom. Mattie sat on the porch with Anthony. She didn't want to know what did or didn't happen in there. Anthony was her only concern. Haley and Kaitlin ran to Courtney's bedside. "What have you done?" Haley yelled at Billy. Tyrone and Davis pointed there weapons in Billy's face and pushed him against the wall. Carter punched Billy in the stomach. Billy grimaced then yelled at Haley and Kaitlin to not undo the ties. Tyrone and Davis pushed him back again, against the wall. "She was attacked. She could turn any minute" he forcefully growled at them. Carter grabbed the girls pulling them back. He laid a hand on Courtney's forehead. "She's not running a fever" "Neither did her mother" Billy remarked. "Where's Tina?" Haley asked. "If you would back the hell off me ill show you" he said to Tyrone and Davis. Tyrone and Davis lowered there weapons. Billy looked at each of them. He turned down the hall to Courtney's bedroom.
Billy stopped and sighed with his hand resting on the door knob. He turned to look at the group then swung the door open and stepped back. He motioned for them to go in. Slowly each of them walked in. Billy stood in the hall against the wall. Kaitlin and Haley ran back out and down the hall with there hands covering there mouth. "What happened" asked Davis walking back out, Tyrone and Carter behind him. Billy walked back downstairs.
After they were all seated he told them. Telling them all the details including what Tina told him.
It was getting dark outside. Mattie and Anthony fell asleep in a chair. Carter agreed to walk the girls back to there homes.
Billy checked Courtney and she seemed to be warmer then before. He checked her temperature, 100.4. Her fever was starting. Checking her pulse her heart rate was beating hard and rapidly. She hadn't awaken yet. Her fingers twitched but other then that there wasn't any movement. He walked back downstairs. "She's running a light fever. By in the morning she'll be one of them" Billy said. "After she's taken care of I'm outta here. This subdivision is like an all you can eat buffet. Those gates won't hold out. Once they get in this place will be overrun and they'll multiply fast." "We could stand guard and kill em as they come in" Tyrone said. "You have that kind of ammo?" Billy asked. Tyrone looked at Davis. "We could make this place safe." "You can do what you want but I'm outta here" Billy said.
He went up and sat in the hallway across the door from where Courtney slept. His back and head leaning back on the wall. He would sit and wait until it was time to fulfill his promise then leave here before the shit hit the fan.
Carter, Tyrone, and Davis sat downstairs watching tv. It showed scenes from the chopper and relayed the same recording Tina had heard. The emergency broadcast only had one new detail. The zombies could survive and walk under water. Being under water didn't drown the beings.

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