Chapter 20

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Since the barn incident everyone kept busy from dawn to dusk. It was grueling work but it had to be done and made them feel better that it was done. The fence had been mended and a chain link fence put up in front of it. Barbed wire was coiled on top of the 8ft. wooden posts. A chicken coop was constructed. Fencing was put up around there barn for cattle and horses. Billy took his equipment and dug a small pond for the animals to have drinking water. Stalls in the barn were prepared for hogs. The solar panels were hooked up to the cabin and bunker giving them electricity. The generator was moved to the barn for lights to take care of the animals. Feed and hay was stacked in the barns loft. A watch tower was built in the middle of the field just in case they needed it. A garden had been planted and was growing nicely. Everyday the girls practiced with there weapons and self defense so they would stay sharp. If not busy at the cabin, they were out on supply runs to keep stocking up the bunker and cabin. They had enough food to last them at least a year. Furniture was brought to the cabin. Billy had gotten books from the library. From animal care and canning food to medical and medicine guides. A big library had been put in the cabin.
They had saw a few survivors while out but they kept there distance. They had gotten to go shop for new clothes which made Haley squeal with delight. Even a swing set had been found at a house.
Tyrone had an angry persona for a while when he ran out of cigarettes, but finally got over it. Courtney had melted through Carter's tough exterior, she helped purge him of the terrible guilt that haunted his mind. Talking about there hurts was cathartic. They all had lost weight since the illness but gained muscle in its place. There had been a few fist fights between the men in the last two months but it all got sorted out.

They were sitting down for dinner when Carter announced he was leaving. "What? why?" Haley asked frowning. "We have this place in tip top shape, why would you leave now?" Billy asked. "That's just it. The farm is safe as it can be and I have unfinished business in Georgia."
"Unfinished business?" Tyrone said.
"When this started my parents didn't make it. And long story short, I cut off moms head thinking it would put her down. I can't leave her like that. It's eat at me since I found out that they will survive as just a head."
"You should stay here where its safe. So much can happen in just a short time. Besides someone else could have went in there by now and took care of it" Davis said.
"I'm gonna leave first thing in the morning. I'm sure the rest of you can handle finding the animals. Maybe even get Anthony a puppy" Carter said smiling at the kid.
All of them had grown close but especially close to Anthony. He reminded them of innocence and purity in the world. They all let him run and play while he was still a kid instead of chores. When toys were found they were brought back to him.

The next morning Carter carried his bags to the front door. He walked back in for breakfast. "I'm coming with you" Courtney announced. "No your not" Carter said. "We all know I am the perfect weapon. Zombies won't touch me" she said.
"Thats why your needed here. Your staying!"
"Your not going by yourself. I'm going! I packed my bags last night." Courtney carried her bags out to the jeep. Carter tried to talk the others into making her stay. "You know how she is. Stubborn and don't let nothing or nobody stand in her way" Tyrone said. The rest nodded. Courtney came back in and said her goodbyes. Anthony cried but she promised him she would come back. "Besides, you'll be having so much fun with the animals you won't even realize I was gone" she told him.
Billy put some extra food, weapons and ammo in the jeep. "Take care and you know we expect you to come back home" Billy said shaking Carters hand. Carter smiled and got in his jeep. He had to wait while Courtney hugged and kissed everyone one last time. Haley and Mattie were in tears. 'If she hadn't taken the keys I would leave her' Carter thought.

Billy and the group was getting prepped to go get there animals as Carter and Courtney left the farm to start there journey.


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