Chapter 10

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Everyone was sitting at the dinner table in the McDaniel kitchen. Billy filled them in on what happened at the gates. Travis hadn't said much about what happened to him. He told Courtney where her car was and how he got back into the subdivision. When asked about the cut on his face he told them a limb had scraped him when climbing the fence, not wanting to instill fear in them.
After dinner they sat watching the broadcasts. With no new information, Tina showed Billy to his room and gave Courtney's room to Travis. Courtney would sleep in her bed with her.
Travis laid down saying his head hurt. Courtney noticed his excessive sweating and the bruising forming on his face. Tiny red lines were splintering outward from his cut. Worried she told her mother. Tina got her thermometer checking his temperature, it was 102.9 Tina pulled her daughter to the side. "We need to make sure he wasn't bitten. I've never known someone to run a fever so high from a small cut like that" Tina whispered, "talk to him Courtney." Courtney nodded and took pain relievers in to Travis. "Here, take these, its Tylenol. You have a fever" Courtney said. He swallowed them and lay back down. "If I ask you something will you tell me the truth" she asked Travis. "Shoot" he said.
"Is it possible that you could have been bitten when you were fighting with those things out there?" Travis stared at her so long she started to feel uncomfortable. He looked away and whispered, "it could be possible I guess."
"Mom says she has never seen anyone run a fever for such a small cut. Its bruised really bad and has gotten worse since you been here." Travis could feel the tears threatening to fall. "I wasn't bit. I pulled the zombie away when its teeth scraped my cheek. I didn't want to tell you and have you look at me like you are right now. What you think about me is all I care about. I didn't want you to know I failed." he said. "You didn't fail! You came back just like you said you would" Courtney said a tear going down her cheek. She lay down next to Travis. The heat radiating from him felt as if it could burn you. "All that matters to me is that your here" Courtney whispered. "I love you Courtney" Travis said. "I love you to Travis," she kissed him. "You need rest after what you been through. In the morning you will feel better. Ill see you in the morning ok? If you need anything just yell." Courtney stood up bending over to kiss him again before leaving the room. She walked downstairs to the living room where her mom and Billy sat. "He was bitten" Courtney cried. Billy jumped up pulling his revolver.
"NO" screamed Courtney. "You heard what the reporter said. He's gonna turn" Billy growled.
"He might not. Ill watch him. If something happens then ill tell you" Courtney growled back.
"She right" Tina said, "I couldn't live with myself for a rash decision. We'll watch him" Tina said.
"Its your funeral" Billy fumed at them, then walked out onto the porch slamming the door behind him.

Davis showed Carter what Mr. Smith kept hid in the back. "We busted this guy twice. That's why I came here. I knew he would have what I needed" Davis said pointing at boxes. Looking inside them Carter was amazed. There were semi automatic machine guns, grenades, dynamite, knumchucks, military issue rifles, small bombs, guns with bayonets, sniper rifles, bullet proof vests and other gear and weapons. "Only a fool could own all this stuff and still be took down in a zombie apocalypse" Carter said.
Carter got a vest loading it up with ammunition and put it on. He stuffed grenades, dynamite, different types of ammo,and other choice weapons in bags splitting them between him and Davis. Three loads were put in there vehicles, not leaving much for any other looters who came by. Davis installed a cb radio in the jeep so they could keep in contact. They both slung a gun over there shoulder. Davis found a bow, plenty of arrows and a quiver before heading out to the parking lot. "There's two survivors in the St Matthews Church. The plan is to get them then go from there" Davis said. "Sounds good lets go" Carter said walking toward his jeep. Carter turned to Davis when reaching his door, "I just want you to know. If something goes wrong and you hiccup the wrong way, I won't hesitate to fill you full of buckshot. It's a kill or be killed world now." Davis got in his cruiser, worried if this kid might be a problem. They pulled out of the parking lot Davis taking the lead. Both men on a mission.

Tyrone circled around the church checking his surroundings. He called out again on his mic to make sure Mattie was still alive. "I'm here, can you hear me I'm here" Mattie begged. "Ok I'm circling the church. There looks to be more then a few zombies. I'm gonna try to lead them away then circle back and get you."
"Ok, have you ever been in this church before?" Mattie asked.
"Um, no" Tyrone replied.
"Ok when you come in. Behind the pulpit on the wall there is a statue of Jesus hanging on the wall. But its not a statue it just looks that way. It's actually a door to the cellar. Push down on the feet and the door will open."
"Ok, gotcha, you just sit tight" Tyrone said. He drove slow around the church honking his horn and yelling out the window to get the zombies attention. When a group had gathered, he drove off sticking his arm out the window so the zombies followed. If he got to far ahead the dead would lose interest and lurk around. He would stop and yell getting there attention. Once he got a mile or so down the road he circled around to lose them then sped back to the church.

Davis and Carter could see the church in the distance. As they got closer Davis called on his mic to Mattie. "Mattie were almost to the church. Are you ok?"
"Yeah" Mattie was sobbing, "were really hungry and just want out of here."
"Be ready we're about there" Davis said.
"Breaker breaker this is Tyrone Banks. Who is this?"
"This is sheriff Shane Davis. Its good to hear your ok Tyrone."
"Yeah, I'm almost to the church. I led those zoms away."
"We're happy for the help. We'll meet you at the front."
"Sure thang"

Tyrone met Davis and Carter at the church the same time they pulled up.
Carter and Davis got out with there guns slung over there shoulders and an arsenal of weapons in there vests and on there belts. "Nice duds," Davis chuckled. Tyrone laughed, "you two look like G.I. Joes."
Carter glared at him. "Tyrone this is Carter Murphy. Carter this is Tyrone"
Tyrone ignored Carter's glare and said, "all that shit is good an all. But don't be shootin' those guns unless you have to. To those fuckers, a gunshot is a dinner bell."
Davis nodded his head, "well lets do this."
Tyrone retrieved his rifle from the car just in case and put his supplies over in Carters jeep. Davis said gas would be scarce. The trio tiptoed up onto the porch. Davis opened the door a crack and peeked inside.
"Well from what I can see there's at least five."
"No problem" Carter said pulling his sword and gripped the doorknob turning it. Davis slammed it shut. "There could be more," Davis said. "I can't see the whole inside of the church. We ease in and watch each others back. One mistake were dead. So don't get cocky Carter."
The moans behind the door grew loud. "The zoms are quiet till they know foods around then they moan like hell," Tyrone said.
"Yeah yeah while I'm young," Carter said annoyed. Getting into position they swung open the door. The repulsive odor was overwhelming. But the three dove in swinging at the group.

Afterward, the body count was twelve. "Up here" Tyrone said. He led them to the Jesus statue and pushed its feet.
The door swung out and steps led down to darkness. "This is some eerie shit" Tyrone whispered. Turning on there flashlights Davis led the way while Carter watched the rear. Just because it looked clear didn't always mean it was. "Mattie? Baby girl where you at?" Tyrone softly yelled. "Down here I'm down here!" Mattie yelled. "SHH, not so loud ok" Tyrone softly yelled. They walked down the stairs stopping on the bottom step to shine there light around. The ceiling was low and barely reached above there heads. The floor below the stairs was moist dirt. In a far right corner was a figure hunkering in the corner. "M..Mattie?" Tyrone asked. The quivering cries in the corner became a whimper and the figure stood and ran toward them. "STOP!!" Carter yelled. The figure stopped dead in its tracks. "Say something" Carter said. He had rushed passed Tyrone and Davis. He now stood on the dirt floor, with a hunting knife at the ready. "Please help me" the voice whimpered. "Are you bit?" asked Carter with hatred in his tone. "Bit? no" the voice said. "Walk slowly, keep your hands up where I can see them" Carter said. "Take it easy" Davis said resting his hand on Carter's shoulder. Carter jerked his shoulder away knocking off Davis's hand. "Fuck off" he growled maliciously through gritted teeth over his shoulder. The girl was a foot of where Carter stood. She and her clothing were covered in dirt. Her hair matted to her head. The only thing you could see clearly were the whites of her eyes and the streaks down her face from tears streaming down through the dirt. She was shaking profusely. "Stop" he said pointing the knife at her, "hold your arms out to the sides."
"What are you doing Carter, your scaring her" Davis asked. Carter ignored him and pointed his flashlight all over her body front and back. "Ok" he said and pointed up the stairs. "Wait, my brother" Mattie pointed at the corner. Carter turned quickly, pointing the flashlight in the corner. A small figure lay covered up. Slowly Carter inched toward him, his posture ready to strike. "Please don't hurt him" Mattie said. Carter held a palm up behind him. "Shut up" he said with malice. Mattie began to cry again. The body was lying on its back with its face turned to the side, facing the wall. Carter put out his foot nudging the figure and holding a flashlight. No sounds or movement. Carter nudged a little harder. The figure rolled its head over and raised its arm over its eyes to shield them from the bright light. Carter stepped back a step. "Say something" he said. "Sissy!" the child whimpered. "Anthony its ok. Come here to me" Mattie said encouragingly. The child got to his feet slowly and walked to Mattie with Carter at his heels. "Stop right here" Carter said putting his hand on the boys shoulder. Mattie bent down at her brothers eye level, "It's ok Anthony. Hold your arms out and show him your not hurt ok" she said. The child nodded and done as he was told. Eyeing his sister the entire time. If looks could kill Carter would definitely be dead by the glare Mattie was giving him. "Better to be safe then sorry" Carter said.
The group walked up the steps finding the church still clear. Mattie picked up her brother and held his head down so he wouldn't see there mother in the pile of bodies on the floor. Davis peeked out the front door. "I only see one on the other side of the road, so lets make a run for the cars. You two ride with me" Davis said pointing at Mattie and Anthony. Mattie nodded her head. Warily, Davis was in the lead. "Clear" he whispered, gesturing them out with a wave of two fingers after peeking behind the front doors.
Mattie breathed in the fresh air deeply. The open space was a upgrade to being cooped up in the cellar. The breeze was soothing. "Where's mommy" Anthony spoke. "Sshh baby" Mattie said soothingly.
After getting in the vehicles and starting the engines, zombies came in packs of three or four at a time around the corner of the church. It was the direction in which Tyrone had came from. Blocking the way in front of Davis. Looking behind him Davis could see a mob behind Carter's jeep also. "Have you ever fired a gun" he asked Mattie.
"Anthony has a bb gun at home" she replied.
"Ill take that as a no then. Get in the floorboard" he told Mattie and Anthony. He saw Carter get out of his jeep and fling something into the mob behind the jeep then rush back. Davis could see a devilish grin on Carter's face, sending a shiver down his spine. Then a loud explosion. Before it registered to Davis that Carter had thrown a bomb from the gun shop, Carter was already backing out onto the main road and sped off. Davis followed his lead.

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