Chapter 15

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Billy drove for an hour on I75 north before he pulled over into the emergency lane. They were on the Kentucky/Tennessee line. "We don't need to be stopping anymore after we get some gas. We will reach the cabin by dark. Get it secure then whatever we need we'll go scavenge" Billy said. "Lets eat something" Haley said, "Im starved." So they ate before moving on. Billy planned to stop in Whitley County for gas. Tyrone was turning the dial on the radio. FM radio wasn't broadcasting anything except the same emergency broadcast recording they had heard in Georgia. AM radio had a few stations but the people sounded staticky and as if they were in a tunnel. They were survivors giving out tips and advice.

Tyrone listened intently. 'There attention span is short. Once food is unreachable they go back to loitering around. If you can get away without using ammo then save it and get as far as possible' one station was saying.
'They seem to communicate with there moans. When one spots you it moans. Then any others nearby will draw to attention.
Animals are a good warning system. They grow quiet when a zombie is near.
Some rules of fighting zombies is never stop moving and don't get yourself backed in a corner. Keep moving and let them come to you.'

Tyrone flipped to another station. There was some kind of argument going on. 'If most of the world has turned then there wont be anything the military can do. And there ammo can only last so long. Like these so called islands there making into safe havens, one infected and they will fall,' the first man was saying. 'Im just saying nukes would kill the zombies. Bomb the heck out of the big populations' the second man argued. 'Yeah it would kill zombies but it would kill survivors to. If the blast didn't get you the radiation from it would' the first man said. Tyrone and Billy looked at each other frowning, knowing what they both were thinking. Then Tyrone switched it to the last broadcast.

It was a bomb shelter that someone had made into a refugee camp. Refugees were telling of there own experiences. "We are coming to you live. If you can hear me, there are others out there. Your not alone. Sir, tell us your name and one of your survival stories" the radio DJ said.
"Well my name is Jason Sparks from West Virginia. Me and my wife ran behind a teller counter at a bank when it started. A deadhead was passing by, it raised its nose in the air and sniffed the air like a hound dog on a scent. It turned round and round in circles. Trying to find where our smell was coming from I guess. It stopped and walked up to the counter grunting. I suppose it knew we were nearby but couldn't see us" Jason said. "We ran for the back exit and the parking lot was full of these things. But we ran until we couldn't run anymore. We ran hid out wherever we could until we found this place. God bless you for being here."

"I'm Douglas McWhorter. After this started we found one of those things in our pool. It was just walking around on the bottom. It had a fish face. You know how fish swim around and there mouth opens and closes. That's what it was doing. Craziest dam thing I ever saw" he laughed.

"Hi, I'm Lacey Kudrow from Ohio. I ran from a horde at lowes. I was shopping and got trapped. There were more and more of them things. I ran out the first door i saw. It led into a fenced in lumber yard. I jumped up on the fence and grabbed the top. I tried to climb up and over but I didn't have enough upper body strength to pull my self up. I was struggling and the zombies grabbed for my ankles. I tried raising my legs up and kicking so they couldn't get a hold. It was hard trying to hang on to the fence. I knew I was dead. I couldn't hang on much longer, my hands were slipping. Then I saw an opportunity. I put my feet up on the top of two zombies heads, standing up i pushed myself up and over the top," Lacey said.

"Im Raven Smith. I lived on the fourth floor of a apartment complex. I had watched on tv what was happening in other places. But I figured it would be gotten under control. One morning I wake up to screams. I looked out my door and my neighbors was in the hall eating there baby, Sarah." Raven was sobbing. "I used to babysit for them sometimes. Little Sarah was such a sweet, loving child. When they saw me they dropped Sarah and came after me. I slammed the door and tried to think of what to do. I just couldn't believe what i had saw. I raised my window and looked out. I almost fainted, I'm deathly scared of heights. Climbing out on the ledge was the only way out though. I tried to not think about being four stories in the air. It would be a long way down if i fell. Carefully I kept my back against the building and my gaze on the next window. Sliding sideways slowly one step at a time toward it. Two windows i passed had those critters in the room. I finally made it over to a window of a vacant apartment. I was there for three days huddled in a corner. No food, nothing to drink, I didn't even sleep. I just sat there quietly. After three days I looked out the door and didn't see anyone. So I ran to my apartment and grabbed some things. I got to my car without being noticed and fled for my life."

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