The hand that feeds

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Carson tried fighting off the grabbing hands in the dark but a bag was forced on his head and he was dragged from behind. He could barely see the tint of the overhead lights through the extra thick black material but Carson was too focused on what he'd do to this guy when he was ungrappled.
After a minute,  black veil was pulled off Carsons blonde head and he started swinging his fists, searching for a target. It was too bright too see but a figure grabbed Carson from behind and restrained his arms. The room he was in seemed like a supply closet only there were no cleaning supplies, only a ridiculous amount of metallic boxes strewn about about various shelves and on the floor. Amongst all this was a desk with a piece of paper and a pencil. Carson was sat in the chair and he noticed the overseer appear with another large man through a door near the back, where the boxes weren't crowding the walkway. The large men were different as instead of the vault 47 jumpsuits that everyone wore normally, their suits were black with red numbers.
The overseer whispered with guard for a moment before approaching Carson "Carson, I'm gonna tell you something only because I care about you."
Carson replied back,"How the hell does a bag over my head say Care in any language?"
"Well, I could've drugged you but I decided not to. Point being, I need you to write a runaway note." The overseer pushed the conversation forward the point and waited for Carson's answer.
"Why a runaway note? What are you going to do? Kill me?"
"No. I could've done it already if I wanted to. You need to forge a note from your brother so it seems like he ran away. He's causing disharmony in the vault and needs to be taken care of."
Carson felt a little torn thinking between how much he and his brother didn't really get along and the fact that Jim was his family. Carson asked "How would this help me out? Why not just kill us all and fake our suicide?"
The overseer casually said "Because that's too suspicious. Nobody in the vault has committed suicide before." The overseer began to pace while continuing,"Your brother is a particularly rebellious spirit, with good intentions too. But he's still destroying the peace. So he must be ridden of. If you don't forge the letter, I can simply send you with him."
Carson realized her really didn't have a choice in the matter so he gave the overseer a grim look and started writing. "And here I thought you cared about me."

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