Chapter 2: Keeping A Very Special Secret

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Zack's POV:

In the meantime, I was preparing the whole room and cleaning up the mess. Being a camp councilor is fun. I thought. It thinks me of being a Spy Masters leader.

Suddenly, the door knocked.

"Zack!" she cried. "Why did you come there?" "Hey, Sis. I forgot to tell my members about this. Timothy called me for the Important Things."

"They're all here. Come and sit!" Jess told the members to sit down while the Windows are open for Fresh Air.

"Good Morning! I'm Zachary Nichols, your Camp Councilor of Team Eden. You can call me Zack if you need some help, or you like to talk or hang out with me during Free Time. We Camp Councilors are Pretty Busy, so if I'm gone, just talk to my Sister, Jess. She's the member of our Team. Can you please introduce yourselves?"


My Name is Thomas James Adams, and TJ is my nickname. I'm studying 5th Grade in Victoria Heights Primary School. I'm an Aspiring Journalist with My Best friend & Classmate, Sally. History and Arts are My Favorite Subjects to Learn in School. My Favorite Things to do is Writing and Skating. I also like to take Pictures of Animals and Plants.

I Remember Zack when I met him Competing Ourselves as Team Mates in an Extreme Sports Competition. Zack is in 6th Grade, while I'm in 4th Grade. We Competed in Different Competitions in Scooters and Snowboards. Good thing We Placed First in the Games.

I didn't know that He wants me to join the Spy Masters Team during our School Break! It was Awesome Fighting with the Enemies. I'm New to the Team, and I like It!

Sally's POV:

I'm Sally Chu, Upcoming 5th Grade Student of Victoria Heights Primary School. We are Friends with My Fellow Journalist, TJ. Music and Language are my Favorite Subjects. It is my First Time Attending A Camp because I want to Learn More.

Zack is a Hardworking Person. He's a Technical Expert Who Works in Gadgets. I met him at the Extreme Sports Competition, where He Joins in Snowboarding. I've also got to Meet His Sister, too. TJ, Zack, Jess and I are all Winners in the Contest Perfectly in First Place.

He Helped Me with Jess at the Spy Masters Headquarters since TJ and I are new recuits to the team. I Assist TJ on Our New Adventures as Close Best Friends.

Zack's POV:

After a Long Introduction with The Team, I announced them for the Upcoming Camp Activities. Everyone was Excited to Listen at My News! "There will be a Challenging Sports Fest Tomorrow Morning. Everybody Must Participate and Be Active in the Games."

"It seems like it's going to be Awesome Indeed!" Ryan was Excited. "Same here, Ryan!" Stacie said. "Let's Stay Active at All Times during the Sports Fest." "TJ, Ryan, Stacie, Caleb & Taylor have Lots of Energy, but Millie and Jake should cheer for us." Sally Smiled. "Before you Move, All Participants Must-"

"Eat Nutritious Foods with More Energy & Vitamins!" TJ Interrupted. "Where and When are We Going to Eat, Zack?" "It's Free, TJ." I Replied. "Anyway, Jess and Sally are really good in Cooking. They will Join the Cook Off Tomorrow Between the Sports Fest."

The girls stared at their faces. "A Cook Off? That's Exciting!" Jess said. "I can't wait for the Contest!" Sally Embraced Me. "Thank You, Spy Masters Leader-Slash-Team Eden Camp Councilor!"

"Listen Up, Team Eden!" I Spoke. "Go to your rooms. Ryan, Caleb, Millie, Jake, Stacie and Taylor, you will stay at the Left side. Don't forget to call me if you need some help or you want to talk to me. See you later!" I waved Goodbye to them and went to their rooms.

"How about us?" Sally Asked "We're on the Right side of this Headquarters. This is where we are hanging out as a team..." jess explained, but she stopped speaking.

"...As Spy Agents." She whispered.

"Right, Sally." TJ giggled. "Being a Spy Masters member is fun..." "And Cool." Jess Laughed.

"Come on, Guys." I Said. "Let's go to our Room. We're going to discuss our secret while resting after some hard work. Shhhhhh..."

"Wow," TJ looked up in the ceiling & walls of the room. "This is Comfortable, like in Spy Masters Headquarters!

We put down all the Bags in our Double Decked Beds and Drink some Orange Juice I've packed before. "Home Sweet Home, at last!" I sat down at the Bed, opening the Air conditioner and Electric Fans. "I'm all free and refreshed."

"Hey, Spy Masters Members." I Said Happily. "I really miss my job being a Spy Agent. Ahh... the memories."

I remember the thing about being a member of the Spy Masters Team. It has the Coolest Weapons, Gadgets and Locations to Go! I thought this is hard, but it has a 'Team' in 'Teamwork.' We continued our discussion about our Biggest Secret. All of us are Secret Spy Agents, and I'll don't Reveal it to everyone, including my Roommates on the other side of the Team Eden Headquarters.

"Hey, I Heard That!" Caleb shouted at the Other Room "Are they Transforming into Spy Agents?" "I thought they were Superheroes." Stacie said. "Are they real?"

"I want to be a Spy Agent or a Superhero So Badly!" Jake Imagined. "Or maybe Both." said Millie. "I've Read it on the Internet before about the Spy Agents and Superheroes. They are my Favorites, so I'll just put it here as an Idea for My Upcoming Story." "They were Secret Spy Agents, Everyone!" Taylor sighed, thinking about our Secret. "Oh, I Know! Should I Invite Zack and Ask about it?"

"NO!" Ryan shouted. "One More Thing: Zack told us that NEVER GO OUTSIDE THE ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO HOURS AND-"

"HOLD IT, KIDS!" I was getting mad and give attention to the kids. "I told you to don't Shout and argue in the room perhaps for one or two hours! That's What Ryan Said!"

"Sorry, Zack." They Chorused. "It Was Our Fault" "It's Alright, Boys and Girls. It's Okay. Now, Go Back to Your Space and Read like Jake & Millie did." I Smiled and wiped my face.

"Wait! Are you A Spy Agent?" Caleb Asked.

"No, Caleb. I'm not a Spy Agent. I'm having an Imaginary Adventure in Another Dimension with My Friends. It's like you're playing a Role Playing Video Game on your Computer, Consoles, Handheld or Mobile Phone. Return to Your Room and Do Something else." I nodded, and they returned to their Room.

"Phew!" I said. "Maybe we can Share our Secret soft and quietly." They Laughed around our Room on how the Embarrassing Moment I did while ago. "Sorry Again." TJ smiled once again. "We are Secretly Spy Agents. I know that Feel, Brother."

And We Hugged each other as a Team. I felt that TJ and Sally are not my Friends, but I Can Still Taking Care as My Brother and Sister. I Am Very Proud of Them Because of Our True Friendship.

The Camp will be an Amazing Memorable Experience for Me. The Sports Fest and The Cook Off will be Held Tomorrow Morning, and I hope we're going to win this time. I Wondered myself, "What will my next Spy Masters Adventure will Bring us somewhere at the Camp?" It is going to be Exciting as a Team Leader!

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