makeover [5]

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heyyy! srry it took so damn long to update, school started last week so pray for me pls

chapter 5

andreas pov.

"this must be fate." Justin says and I contimplate on weather or not I should crawl into a hole and die or not.

"I must say, this progect is going to be very exciting." he continues and I look up at him with a disqusted face. "my house or yours?" he smirks down at me.

"mine." I say sharply "try anything and I'll cut off your dick." I say and he smiles.

"you'll be wanting to do a lot more than cut it off" he smirks and I gag before shooting back "if there's even something there to do anything with."

he seems taken back by my response but I just grin at him, sweetly.

"you're mean." he pouts and I smirk when I know I've brought him down.

"just stating the obvius." I yawn and he fails to come back with a response.

just then the bell rings and im more relived to get away from the smirking beast im currently sitting next to.

i scurry to grab my stuff and me being me, accidentally knock my notebook and three pens over. i groan and pick up the pens to see almost the whole class already out the door.

i jump when i see a hand set my notebook down next to my white binder. my eyes followed a pair of muscular arms up to a sharp ass jawline to a familiar pair of blue eyes.

i jump back when i automatically know who these good looks belong to.

Aiden smirks at my reaction and leans against my desk. i pack the rest of my supplies as quickly as possible and when i begin to retreat his arms catch me around my waist.

i let out a small shriek and glare back at the thing thats holding me. i try to squirm away but its no use. Aidens in football and wresting and is also atleast 6'2, defiantly dominating my 5'2 height.

i let out a groan and he just smirks down at me. the really creepy thing is that he hasn't even said anything and im starting to get creeped out by the ugly smirk plastered on his face.

"let me go" i say giving him my sternest look but he only chuckles, sending vibrations through my whole body. my face instantly heats up at the feeling.

"your cute when you're mad. and by the way you're blushing" he says, sounding very amused at the way he's obviously embarrassed me.

"damnit Aiden! if you dont let me go a swear to god ill kick you so hard down there you'll never be able to use it again." im fuming with anger because my next class starts in probably seconds and he wont let me go!

"ooo fiesty" he says and i slap his very hard chest.

just then, i hear the annoying, loud sound of the late bell and im ready to murder the boy whos holding me.

"by the way" he lets me out of his strong grasp, "we have the same class next." my face turns a dark shade of pink, but not with embarrassment but anger.

"im gonna kill you" i growl before storming out of the classroom, him very close behind me.

"you two." my old teacher says as we enter the classroom, together. by the sound of her voice shes upset and i can only imagine what she thought we were doing to be late.

many times, this has happened.  guy and a girl show up late and the consequence is always severe. 

"detention." she says in a bored tone. "for the next week" she finishes and continues teaching as if nothing even happened.

"damnit" i mumble and sit in the back of the class where i think about the next week.

detention with Aiden and a school project with Justin.

im fucked


hey you sexy ass readers :))

team Aiden or Justin?? 😏

-andrea 👑

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