makeover [6]

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chapter 6

andrea's pov.

"welcome to detention" our very old teacher says, slowly and with a monotone voice.

i yawn and look around me at the kids who have already laid they're heads down on they're desks. i can spot both Aiden and Justin and i grimace at the thought of having to study with Justin after this.

"ok so, you'll be in here for an hour" the teacher speaks again "and as long as you stay quiet and dont bother me do whatever." he says and sits down at his desk.

"what the fuck" i mumble and whip my phone out. damn, the service here is horrible.

i huff at the thought of using too much cellular data, which i do every month. i honestly dont feel like getting killed by my mom soo...

"psst" i hear a sharp whisper in my right ear and i roll my eyes before snapping my head to the side. i see Justin there smirking at me as usual.

"what?" i say harshly not wanting to deal with his bullshit.

"cant wait to have so much fun tonight "studying"" he says, making quotations with his fingers and i let out a snort

"all we're doing is "studying", i dont feel like catching your herpes, thank you." i smile sweetly at him and face the front of the classroom again and let out a huff, this is going to be such a long hour.


"detention is dismissed" the teacher says slowly and i purposely gather my things slowly so that maybe, Justin will forget about our little study session.

"hey, you ready?" i hear Justins deep voice behind me and i automatically stiffen.

"yea" i roll my eyes and swing my backpack over my back and turn to meet his gaze.

"leggo" he says and i follow behind his tall figure.

i hope you step on a lego.

"i have to be home by eight" i say and he fake pouts.

"aww i was hope you could spend the night." he says and looks down at me.

"you wish" i say and roll my eyes to the back of my skull for the 9000000 time today.

"i do, princess, i really do." i blush at the nick name and kick myself for doing so. why am i blushing ?

he leads me to the mostly empty parking lot and leads me to a motorcycle. hell no.

"theres no way in hell im getting on that thing." i say and stubbornly cross my arms over my chest.

"unless you wanna walk home." he says and offers me a helmet "you're going to get your pretty little ass on." i blush at his wording, again and snatch the helmet from his hand.

i shove the black helmet and ignore his offered hand. i swing one leg over and refuse to put my hands around his waist.

"i swear" he mumbles at my stubborn state and revs the engine.

at his sudden action i throw my arms around his waist tightly and i hear a low chuckle come from Justin.

when he drives off, really fast i scream. he laughs and i want to punch him so bad but im too busy holding onto his torso for dear life.

i squeeze my eyes shut and focus on my racing heart. i hold onto him even tighter when we round a turn and i feel him tense under my tight grip.

"were here" i hear his voice but i refuse to let go.

"Andrea" he says but i dont budge.

"jesus" he says and lifts himself off the bike but i cling to his torso.

once my feet hit the ground and loosen my grip slightly then let go.

"you asshole!" i screech meanwhile, he has the most amused face ever. "never again." i say and hand him back his helmet.

"your so cute when you're angry awww" he says and i resist the urge to slap the little smirk off the undeniably good features of his face.

"lets just go study." i say and he smirks

"okay" he says and wraps his arm around my shoulder. i slap it off and walk ahead of him.

i look around and my eyes widen in shock when i see his house is only 4 houses down from mine!

"your house is only 4 houses down from mine wow" i blurt out, not thinking and i see him smirk.

he opens the door and i cant help but admire his nice house. "mom im home!" he yells and a very pretty women wearing and apron exits a room, im assuming the kitchen.

"ohh hi honey!" she says, and nods at me, as if im nothing new.

"we're going to study" he says and she smiles sweetly at him.

"okay hunny! have fun" she says and huns a random tune as she re-enters the kitchen.

we go up the stairs and he leads me to a door, which i assume is his bedroom. he opens the door and im pleasantly shocked at his room.

unlike my brothers, its quite neat with a blue theme and football posters scattered on the walls. he has a large bed on the left side and a white desk on the right side.

he sits down on the bed and i sit down next to him.

"okay so....." we begin out project


HI! :))

whats good?

im so ready for the new Dolan Twins vid tomorrow. ok bye.

-andrea 💓

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