Eventful Part 1

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Welcome to the story! For those of you who don't know me, I'm just your every day author who has a thing for writing lemons. If you want, make sure to share it with friends wHO KNOW AND ARE COMFORTABLE WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF. Anyways, (y/n) means your name, and all bold is a/n's so I don't have to write it out. :) HAPPY READING.

💋- corqut

-Haven't read my other stories? Go and check them out!-

(Your P.O.V)

"Sting!" I shouted at my boyfriend as he stepped on my foot yet again. I was getting irritated, because we have a Sabertooth Party coming up, and the Guildmaster is supposed to have a special dance with his chosen love. Which would be me. He wasn't picking it up and I've been teaching him for hours a day. It's just a simple side stepping Waltz (A type of dance). I sighed and looked at him. He gave me a stupid look, the one I could never be stayed mad at.

"Let's call it a day." I said.
"Ok." He chuckled.

Sting and I have been dating for a little more than a year. We have done 'sexual activities', but only once, and I was drunk.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I said.
"Can I join you?" Sting asked, giving me a sly smile. I smiled back and said,"No."
And with that, I walked upstairs.

--Time Skip--

It was the night of the dance. I spent the whole day away from Sting, dragged around by Yukino and Minerva.

"Do I have to wear a big dress like this?" I sighed eyeing it. "I mean, I love it, it's beautiful, but not my style."

Yukino smiled. "That's why we picked it! We want you to be outside of the box, and knock Sting right off of his feet when he sees you."

Minerva nodded. "You won't impress him if you wear the same dress style, (Y/n)."

I smiled. "Thank you guys for helping me." We bought the dress, and headed home.

(Stings P.O.V)

Rufus and Orga pushed me into a mall to get a new suit.

"Do I have to?" I whined.

Orga sighed. "(Y/n)'s not gonna want to be with a guy who won't try to impress her. If you don't step up your game, Rufus might take her." He snickered.

Rufus' eyes widened. He shook his head and said, "No, no, no!" He pleaded. "M-master Sting... I would n-never!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. I shook it off and snorted. Rogue came up and smiled. "Have you found anything yet?"

I looked at my brother, who was already in his suit. "Yeah, we're looking at this one."

"Let's get it," Rogue said clapping his hands. "Minerva told me they're getting ready, so should we."

--Time Skip--

I was getting annoyed. I wanted to see (Y/n). I was required to stay at the throne or at the front to greet the townsfolk and guild members. Everyone was having fun with their mate, except me.

Suddenly, I was at the throne when both doors were opened abruptly. It was Minerva and Yukino. I called them over. I was told to wear a (f/c) tie and pocket handkerchief.

"You look nice Sting." Minerva complimented.

"Thank you m'lady." I said quickly. "Where's (Y/n)?"

Minerva and Yukino looked at each other. "U-uh..." Yukino stuttered. "You know, I just remembered that Rogue asked me to have a drink with him. I'll see you guys later!" And with that, Yukino was off.

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