in which she gets those looks

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Basil is dressed like a turkey.

When he asked me if he could join the kindergarten play I was all for it. Until he came home last week with a giant bag and a cheeky smile.

My son wabbles around the stage with a big, happy smile. The other parents sit around Ginger and I. They video tape and photograph their children but in all honesty, these kids will never want to be reminded of this time in their lives.

"He's really. . . Gobbling," Ginger grimances. Her cute tummy rests on her  lap. Pregnancy suits my sister.

But it suits me even better.

Baze flaps his arms to the beat of the kiddie song. He's never looked happier than he does right now-- dressed like a turkey. Primmy, on the other hand, looks like she's about to lose her mind from how bored she is. She sits on my lap, her head on my breast and her legs dangling over mine.

I glance between my younger sister and my eldest son. "Yup, he's really gobbling."


Basil jumps into my arms. I sigh happily. This is the life. A mother, her children, and upcoming ice cream.

"Did you see me, Momma?" He tightens his grip around my neck. "I was the one going gobble gobble!"

Ginger swoops in and plants a fat, wet kiss on his cheek. "We saw you all right. You did amazing, little man." Basil burns a bright red. Compliments and him don't mix well, but I'm glad he's humble and (hopefully) not a future fuckboy.

Prim hugs her brother as soon as he's back on two feet. My youngest daughter crashes right into a blonde haired woman, her eyes darker than Satan's asshole. Her neck almost snaps in two when she looks back at us. Primrose staggers back to hide behind my legs. The woman looks my sister up and down, then me.

"Please watch your children. I don't have time to kick every little bastard child out of my way."

Bastard? Bastard? Who the hell is this bitch?

"Can you refresh my memory on who you are?" The sickly sweet tone of voice tastes like vomit in my mouth. Satan's asshole becomes even tauter.

"I am Shailene's mother. That beautiful, blonde, goddess over there is my daughter." I look over to see the girl dressed in a trashy, Party City Indian costume. She's a pretty girl, but if she's anything like her mother physical beauty is all she will ever have. "Unlike you and your rugrats, I have an actual family to get to. Adios."

She stalks off to her child. Ginger takes Prim and heads to the car. Basil follows the two without another word. I, however, linger behind. Is Baze getting shit at school because of his parental situation?

"Everyone knows your children don't have a dad. Pathetic."

I stand stunned. I don't turn to look who spoke, because the woman no longer stands behind me. Other turn to look, their judgmental eyes watching me.

Don't allow these people to get you down, Rose. You're successful and a wonderful mother to your kids.

So I walk out like nothing happened.

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