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This was the same man who seemed angry at the front desk earlier. The one who stormed off in the lobby after talking to the woman at the desk.

We make eye contact for a few seconds, just staring into each other's eyes, almost like we were hypnotized. But seconds later he's smirking at me and I'm rolling my eyes, immediately blushing and looking away right after.

Is that even Harry Styles? What if it's not? I mean, that would be kind of a shame. He's so handsome; his dark waves and piercing green eyes. I almost hope he's my roommate. But then again, I don't want any roommate. I just want to be left alone.

I barge past him and place my cats and the cage down. The cats scamper away, stalking around the apartment curiously. I look around in shock too though. Everything is amazing. I've never seen anything like it.

The walls are white and the ceilings are tall. There's a balcony across the room that looks plenty big with a view that can keep me happy forever.

My thoughts are disrupted when I hear a deep and almost calming voice behind me, "Hi love."

I whip my head around and glare at him. I don't know why I'm getting so defensive, but I can't help it.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be here yet. Harry Styles." I cross my arms and look everywhere but at him. I can't dare to look him in the eyes again. It's so awkward.

"Ah, you know my name," he says with a teasing tone, "What's yours, love?"

I choke at the nickname, my eyes widening, "It's Louis, and stop calling me 'love'." I narrow my eyes and walk around the apartment, in disbelief at the massive room.

"Okay, sweetheart," he smirks and I groan out loud. I don't even know who this man is! What if he's a pervert? The thought scares me a bit so I try to ignore it and focus on the flat

I guess Harry could tell I was astonished by the apartment because he says, "It's nice isn't it?" He looks all around the room, turning his body to see each area.

"Yea, it is," I say hesitantly.

The room we are standing in now has huge windows that over look the city and white furniture on top of dark wooden floors. It's luxury, truly.

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There's a small indoor pool that is lit up and looks amazing

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There's a small indoor pool that is lit up and looks amazing. I could jump in there right now if it weren't for the man standing near me.

Everything is white. White chairs and cushions, white marble top on the kitchen counters. White cabinets and appliances.

"You know," I hear his voice boom across the room, "I'm not a fan of cats...Or hedgehogs for that matter."

I turn around, about to bark back but I see that he's joking from the smirk that's clearly present on his face. I roll my eyes and look away.

"Well you'll have to learn to deal with them. And I thought you weren't supposed to be here yet." I didn't mean for it to come out bitter but it kind of did. Oops?

"I didn't realize you wanted me out so badly." He says and I can't tell if he's being sarcastic again or being serious.

I grab my bags and start to search for a bedroom, ignoring his looks.

"Well now you do."

"I call the largest room!" He says playfully, changing the mood. Why is he like this? He's so cheeky and I don't know whether I like it or not.

"First come, first serve," I say coldly.

He smirks and hums, "I like the sound of that."

I roll my eyes and flip him off as I go up to the second floor. There's a continuation of wooden floors and white walls and furniture. There's a long and open hallway with 4 doors.

The first door has a small bedroom yet a fancy interior, the second across from it is a bathroom, and the third door is a closet. The fourth door seems to lead to some sort of small lounge that looks over the city. There's a big tv and computer, along with a few couches.

I see another set of stairs and go up them. I'm met with a very small hallway and another 2 doors. Through the first door is a big bedroom like the one below this floor. It's simple yet modern and still breath taking. I go through the other door in the hall and it is is a very open and big room with the same design throughout the rest of the apartment. There's a big bed in the middle pushed against the wall behind it. There's a huge closet and a big bathroom next to it. There's a lot of other furniture in the room as well. The walls are white, same with the curtains and bed spread. If I didn't know better, I would think this is the apartment it's self. But the best part is the view. The balcony looks over the city nearby, the cars look like ants and I can't even see people. It's breath taking.

"Isn't my room nice?" Harry. Also breath taking. I mean, like, not really.

"I was here first," I narrow my eyes at him, "it's my room."

"Mm, nah," he says simply.

I see Chip nearby and pick him up, I go to the bed and plop down on it.

"It's our room, now leave me and my kitty alone," I say referring to my cat as I spread out on the bed so he gets the hint. For a second his eyes scan my body and I get self conscious.

"If you say so, but I'll be back in 2 hours and we will then officially become roommates." He raises his eyebrow and smirks. I don't say anything and instead look away, waiting for him to leave.

Once he does though, I can't help but think about him. Everything about him. He's tall, handsome, cheeky, sarcastic. His hair reminds me of a prince and his lips, oh so pink. His eyes. I could swim in the sea of green orbs.

But I don't like him. He's only my roommate, and I can't like him. I don't know him. He's just a roommate.

Sorry for this sucky chapter. I'm so not motivated rn. School just started and I have a lot of work already. Not to mention, I have field hockey practice for 2 and a half hours every day so I'm extremely busy. And 2 games a week!!

But hope you like this, there's more to come :))

Words: 1084
Published: September 10, 2016

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