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Prince, Selena, and Whitney moved all the furniture in Whitney's living room and sat in a circle. Michael was too busy raiding Whitney's fridge.

"So what are you going to say to her?" Selena asked

"I'm not su-" Prince was about to say before Michael interupted.

"Hey Whitney?" Michael said with his head burried in the fridge

"Yes, Mike?" she said

"Have you seen my leftovers? I could of sworn I had some leftover KFC in here."

"They have a KFC in heaven?" Prince asked.

"Yeah.This is heaven." Selena said.

"Who are the employees?" Prince asked.

"People who didn't quite make it to heaven but not quite hell. Basically "you" if you don't save Alisha." Selena said.

"Are you talking about those honey mustard wings?" Whitney asked

"Yeah those ones!" Michael said with his heead popping out of the fridge with a huge grin.

"I ate those...." Whitney said.

"YOU WHAT!!!???" Michael slammed the refridgerator door, causing all of Whitney's refrigerator magnets & pictures to fall off.

"I ate them." Whitney replied.

"How could you?" Michael whined.

"I was hungry." Whitney shrugged.

"I don't see the big deal. It's just chicken." Selena said.

"You wouldn't see the point! I don't think you guys understand. THEY.WERE.HONEY.MUSTARD.WINGS.FROM.KFC." Michael said moving closer to the group.

Suddenly Bobbi Kristina came down from her room upstairs.

"What's with all the noise?" She asked.

"Michael and his edges are complaining about Whitney eating his chicken wings." Prince said with a yawn.

"K-F-C-HONEY-MOTHER-FLUCKING-WINGS." Michael said to Bobbi Kris.

"I was about to go to KFC anyway. Want me to pick you some up." Bobbi offered.

"That would be wonderful!!!" Michael said running up giving her a bear-hug and kissing her cheeks.

"It's not that serious..." Bobbi laughed. "Anyone else need anything?"

"Just get some wings, fries, tenders, and some drinks." Whitney said.

"Okay." Bobbi said heading towards the door.

"Oops I almost forgot my rewards card." She said running back upstairs.

"Rewards card?" Prince asked.

"In heaven money is no object, literally. You get a rewards card which is like an unlimited credit card except your 'cash value' is good deeds you've done for yourself and others in your lifetime." Selena said.

"But wouldn't the good things you've done in life be a limited number? Like I have donated to hundreds of charities. Wouldn't I only have that many points then?"

"Nope it's a point based system. Say someone does you wrong and you forgive them. Depending on the severity is another bracket. If someone said a rumor about you and you forgive them that equals thirty points. So then you have to multiply it by the default points in every situations. The bible says forgive 70x7. So....you do 30(70x7) + (severity) x (default points) = credit. You get more credit for other things like smiling, treating yourself kindly, being kind to others, and etc. You'll understand it later after you read your Halo handbook and all perks that come with a halo." Selena said.

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