Asylum First Look

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"So that's why she likes you" The Dr. said
"Yeah" I answered.
My plan was working he didn't expect a thing.
"I noticed that you mention that they put you in a straight jacket every morning and spray you with a hose, why is that?" He asked.
"Well that all started when....."
The guards scream everyone get up.  Everyone started leaving but I stayed, I'm not getting up that early.
"Go wake up X Jimmy" said one of the guards.
As Jimmy walked in he was shaking, no one wanted to be near me.  He walked up and started to shake me.
"Wake up Mr.X" He said paranoid.
I looked at him dead in the eyes and smiled.  He backed up slowly shaking, I got up walking twords him smiling holding tight on to my knife I got form my dad a while ago.
"Stop go back stop AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Jimmy yelled.
I did what I had to do and went back to sleep.  When the guards walked in to check on me and Jimmy, most of them were looking away once they saw it, some looked at it in horror, and one guy looked like he was going to be sick.  Jimmy's body was on the floor dead with his throat cut completely open, his head bashed in, his fingers cut off, some teeth ripped out, his legs broken, and with a simple message on the wall...
Sure it was written with his blood but I needed my point across.  After that day they gave me five more minutes of sleep but they woke me up with a hose.  But anyways after that incident I went to get breakfast.  I got my food and sat down, this one guy thought it would be funny to throw his bread at me.  So I picked up my spoon and gouged his eyes out.  We're friends now and I call him sight.  But since then every time I eat I have to wear a straight jacket.
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"That was my first week here I believe" I told the Dr.
He looked astonished.  Like that is something he never heard before.
"That is very interesting Mr.X, but why do people call you X" asked the Dr.
"There are two reasons why" I said.

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