The Revival of Her Soul

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I awoke to sunlight pooling through my bedroom window, painting my room a yellow color. My white curtains offered no protection, which I was greatful for. The dim morning sun warmed my cold shoulders, and I sighed. Today was the day I go meet my husband. My parents were making me marry a rich couple's son, for their sake. 'It's because we love you.' My mother said to me. My father said the same thing when I asked why they were making me marry some rich kid when I didn't even know his name. In my opinion, it is absolute Bull-Shit!

My long, brown wavy hair fell into my face as I sat up. My white tank top strap fell off of my shoulder. Getting out of my bed, I walked into my bathroom that was attatched to my over-sized room. I hopped in the shower, and quickly cleansed my body. I washed my hair, and finally turned off the scalding water. I took a moment looking down at my bare feet, and thought about how this awful day might go. I'm going to be married at the age of seventeen, a week away from eighteen. My husband is going to be a random stranger, and in the future I'm going to carry his children. 

I wrapped a towel around my self, and looked into the clouded mirror. I could barely make out my reflection in it. I brought my pale hand to the mirror, and swiped it across the cool, glass like surface. In the mirror, I saw a young woman. A girl with brown hair flowing down her back, wet from water. Bangs down to her eyes, pushed back to the right. Then the eyes; a mysterious golden color, almost orange. Freckles dot around the bridge of her nose, which was a little on the small side, round, like a button. This girl who stared back at me, was indeed myself. My reflection was fogged back up, due to the humid air in the bathroom. 

 I opened the white door, and I could feel the blast of warm air rush past me as it mixed with the cold air of my room. I dried off after a minute of staring at my plain, yet elegant room. A regular sized bed with a blue comforter and blankets, along with a green pillow case. I have paintings lining one wall of when I was a young girl, and photos of birds and plants. The walls were painted a  white color, but the carpet was an outstanding yellow. 

I then walked over to my closet, and opened the yellow doors, entering a full sized room with clothes and shoes. I looked for a cute outfit that would still represent me and my personality. I searched for about five minutes, when I found a cute white T-shirt, a tank-top styled black vest, a blue skirt to my mid thighs, and gray tights. Then, I looked for a pair of shoes. I finally decided on a pair of black Mary-Janes, and started to dress. I looked at myself in the mirror, which was about the size of a door. Honestly, I didn't look the best, but I'd manage. 

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