Chapter 2: The Revival of Her Soul

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After watching myself in the mirror for a little while, I decided to go do something with my messy hair. I closed the closet doors, and walked into my bathroom again. The steam had cleared by now, and I could see into the mirror. I slid one of the drawers open, and searched around for a hair brush. I took the blue hair brush out once I found it, and brushed the knots out of my hair. Once it seemed acceptable, a slipped a blue headband into my hair, and made my way out of my bedroom. I walked down the long hallway filled with doors, and found the stairs. It took me five minutes just to get down the damned stairs! We have to many staircases! 

After flopping down the rest of the wooden staircase, I walked briskily into the Tea Room where my parents were seated, drinking their morning tea. 

"Good morning, Amber-Linn." My mother said, not even taking her time to look up at her daughter. 

"Yes, morning, Sweetheart." My father said, reading his newspaper. 

"Sweetheart? Don't call me Sweetheart. You have no right to." I exclaimed, making fists at my sides. They're gone for the first fifteen years of my life, then decide to send me off to get married at seventeen, and they have the nerve to call me Sweetheart? Um, no thank you!

"Oh, quit your bickering! Is this about the marriage?" My mother scolded, glaring at me with her cold green eyes. Her brown hair was in a bun, and she was wearing a purple collared dress with a pearled necklace. 

"No," I started, but cut myself off. "Well- Yes, I suppose that's half of it." I finished. 

"Then stop complaining!" My mother yelled, and took another sip of her tea. I was angry at that point, and I saw my father glaring at me. 

"Surely, you're not going to wear THAT, are you?" He asked, and I looked at him with a sharp turn of my head. "It's too inappropriate. Go change into something more decent." He said, closing his eyes. 

"I'm not changing anything, thank you very much!" I said, stiffly walking to a chair, and sitting down in it. This was going to be a long day. . .

The Revival of Her SoulOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz