The Revival of Her Soul: Chapter 7

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Okay, screw waiting. I'm bored, and I have an idea of what to write next! So, yeah . . . Enjoy! If you don't . . . Okay. I don't mind. :P


After picking up my mother's ugly brown pot from the store, I walked back down the street I came from. I peeked my head around the corner, hoping to see David, but he was no where to be seen. 'He probably went home . . .' I thought quietly. I waited for the cars to move by before crossing, quickly jogging across the black concrete. I slowed to a walk when I reached my home. I saw one of the butlers who works in the yard, named Timothy.

"Hello, Timothy!" I called across the green painted yard to the young man trimming the bushes.

"Oh, hello, Amber-Linn! Wonderful day, isn't it?" He said, smiling. I frowned.

"Not exactly . . . " I mumbled, and he went back to his work. I walked up the stairs to the front porch, and walked through the double doors, into the damned house. I found my mother sitting on the yellow floral decorated couch by an open fire. The room was dark, the only light given being from the fireplace, giving the room a glow similar to my eye color. The room was also quite warm, so I slipped my jacket from my shoulders, and tied it around my waist for the time being.

"What took you so long?" My mother asked, turning around in her spot to look at me. A poker face giving off no emotion. Not even her green eyes gave any sign of what she would do next. I swallowed something that wouldn't go away, leaving my attempts worthless.

"I was getting your pot in a busy store . . .?" I suggested, and she nodded after a minute. She stood up, and walked around the side of the couch to stand in front of me.

"Be prepared to leave. We are going to your Soon-To-Be-Beloved's house in ten minutes. I want to see you outside ready to leave by then." She explained, and left the heated room. I sighed an irritated  sigh, and set the pot on the wooden table in front of the couch, and turned my head to stare at the fireplace. The fire was an orange color, with blue tips. It swayed carefully, back and forth, pleading for more wood. I denied it's wish, by throwing the pail of water into it, causing the fire to scream out before disappearing, leaving me in a dark room. I could still hear it sizzling as I slowly moved the wood around with the tiny, burnt shovel. I could still see the red spots hidden beneath the burnt ashes, and slowly walked out of the room, closing the white door behind me.

I walked up the many stairs once again, and into my room. I threw my jacket on to my bed, but remembered David's number was still in the right pocket. I picked up my jacket again, and stuck my hand in to the pocket, fishing around the slip of paper. I felt the smooth surface of the paper, and held it between my fingers, reading the number.

David: 530-458-9201

I opened my bed-side drawer, and pulled out a jewelry box. It didn't even have anything in it. I put the slip of paper into the box, and placed it gently into the drawer. I closed the drawer, and walked out of my room, leaving my jacket on my bed. And . . . Cue another long trek down the stair case.


So, yeah . . . Just decided to update today. Hope you guys liked this chapter, I'll write some more soon. Probably wasn't as good as my other chapters, but what ever. Bye!


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