(Request) Goku x Reader: New Girl Pt. 2

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Your POV

After school, I went to my locker to get my things and was ready to leave. I know once I get home, I want get to see my parents. They work until midnight.

So it's just going to be me at home for the time being. I'll probably watch anime or read a manga while eating some dinner.

As I was walking out of the school doors, I felt someone poke my shoulder. I turned around to see that it was Goku. He had a very serious face on him which I wasn't use to.

He always is so serious. So just seeing this made me ask, "What's wrong?"

Goku took a frustrating sigh and told me, "Vegeta kicked me out of the apartment yesterday so I have no where to live. Bulma wouldn't dare let me stay over at her house so I was wondering if I could stay until I find another place.

I knew Bulma and Vegeta since I sat with them at lunch with Goku. I don't even know why Goku is friends with those two. But it sorta makes sense that he is friends with Krillin and Yamcha. But Piccolo... he is just to quiet. And his costume sorta creeps me out. Wearing green?

I then thought about what Goku asked and I couldn't just deny the offer. I don't think my parents would mind since once they get home, they will be going to bed anyways.

So I replied to Goku's offer. "Sure. I don't think there will be any problem."

I then saw Goku's serious face turned into a joyful one. It even made me smile.

Because of Goku's happiness, he went up to me and gave me a hug. I then began to blush when Goku was giggling.

Goku's POV

I don't know why... but because I was so happy I just wanted to hug (y/n). And I just began to giggle because of the happiness I also got from hugging her. My cheeks even began to feel warm.

Once I let go, I saw (y/n)'s cheeks were a slight pink. Probably just like mine. I wonder what this feeling is. I feel like I heard about it from Bulma. I think it's called love or something.

She said that if I have a pink tint on my cheeks then it means I'm blushing. So does that mean (y/n) is blushing as well? Does that mean she feels the same way?

I don't know!? This is all very confusing. My heart is beating really fast just thinking about it.

We both didn't say a word and just exit out of the school. And because of my absentmindedness, I began to fly and scarred (y/n).

"A-are you flying?!" She asked in a worried voice.

I then realized that I wasn't suppose to show any type of ki to humans at school. I guess I forgot.

I floated back down and explained (y/n) everything while walking to her home.

Once we got to here house, she got everything and thought it was really cool.

"So you're an alien from a different planet and didn't know until you saw your older brother and Vegeta?" She wanted to confirm herself.

"Yea. I am actually known as a saiyan. We are a lot like humans except we can transform and we have tales. Except I cut mine off."

"Why did you do that?" (y/n) asked in curiosity.

"Well one of my friends did in a way. It's a long story. The reason is because it's a weakness and if I look at a fool moon I turn into an oozaru which is a huge ape."

It seemed like (y/n) got everything I said. At first she seemed surprised. But now that I am explaining the little details, it's like she had heard it before.

Once we entered in the house my stomach began to growl.

Once (y/n) noticed she asked, "Are you hungry, Goku?"

I nodded.

"Well I guess I could make a turkey sandwich." She said as she got the bread.

I then asked, "Can you make like 20 sandwiches?"

(Y/n) dropped the bread by hearing this and faced me. "20!?" She said in a surprised voice.

I nodded. "Us saiyans usually have a big appetite. This is only just a snack for me though. I was going to ask for a 150 but I knew that you didn't have that much turkey and bread."

(y/n) sighed as she picked up the bread. "I'll make as much as I can."

Right after I ate, we just sat on the couch together trying to find a show to watch.

I then started to feel very curious about earlier when I saw (y/n) blushing. I only know a little about love. But I don't know if she loves me. I don't even know if I love her.

I then asked because of my curiosity. "(y/n), what's love?"

(y/n) then face me while blushing. "It's really hard to explain. Let's just say love is a feeling you have when you feel happy when your close with them and you never want to let them go."

Your POV

I can't believe he had to ask that. Well I shouldn't be surprised.

"Hey (y/n)." Goku said while he began to blush.

I just nodded. "Yes?"

"I love you." He said while his eye began to glitter.

I began to blush like a crazy red. But I do feel the same way. So I responded right after I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too."

The saiyan then looked like he wanted more so he leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine.

Shout out again to KarliRose4 for the suggestion.

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