Chapter 4: True love honey, you just can't kill it

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Aria POV
The bell rings deafeningly through the school and after collecting my work up from my desk and stuffing it into my bag, I make my way through the bustle of teenagers, who are annoyingly blocking the corridors and stairs. I spot my mom in the sea of bodies and try to avoid catching her attention. Luckily, Im able to rush out of school and make my way to Ezra's apartment.
When I arrive I just let myself in because he's not home, so I put my keys and bag on the table and sit on his sofa, leaning forward and resting my chin on my hands. I receive a text so I open my inbox and read over it:

Lucky Aria, some students have to do assignments, you get to do the teacher. If you don't talk, I will and I'll ruin your life, just like you've ruined Ezra's. -A

I throw my phone down in anger and press my palms to my forehead. When did this get so complicated? Although what was I expecting? I mean, I am dating my ex-teacher.
Interrupting my train of thought is Ezra. He looks surprised to see me.
"Hey." I start.
"Aria" a small smile grows on his face. "I thought you'd change your mind."
"I know, me too. Ezra?"
"What's wrong?"
"We need to talk."

Ezra POV
I was hoping she'd say that so I didn't have to, but now that she has I don't think I can handle it. Tears start to form in her eyes and roll down her cheeks. I suddenly have a lump of nerves in my throat, threatening to choke me if I make any decisions about our relationship. 
"Ezra, I'm sorry."
I can't lose her. "For what?"
"Ruining your life." She replies weakly, her words catch in her throat as more tears continue to spill from her eyes.
"Don't cry, Aria." I say rushing and sitting down next to her, cupping her face in my hands and looking into her eyes wondering how much of a front she puts up on a daily basis, so I don't see the amount of hurt behind the contagious smile she always has on her face.
Tear after tear runs down her cheeks yet again and I run my thumb over them to wipe them away. "You haven't ruined my life, Aria. My life was a mess before you came into honestly have no idea how much I love you."
"Well, some people wouldn't agree." She cries more heavily now, showing me her phone that was lying on the coffee table. Anger floods through my body.
"Look, A knows nothing about us. All they know is we're happy, we're not perfect but we're happy and they want to destroy us. But as long as I'm around, whoever they are, they will never hurt you, okay?"
"Okay." She blinks away more tears and I kiss her. We pull away for a second and I look into her eyes, the ones that have experienced more pain than I could ever imagine. Our lips crash together almost instantly after; the moment is one anyone would want to last forever. My hands find her hips, pulling her against me. She breathes I love you Ezra into my neck just after her lips press against it and she pulls my shirt over my head as I unbutton hers. "I love you too, Aria."

Aria POV
Before we fall asleep I send a text to my mom, explaining I'm sleeping at Hanna's to help her with her English monologue. She buys it. I hate lying to my mom, but if she knew where I was or if I didn't bother to message her at all,  I'd wish I'd have kept my mouth shut.
I climb back into bed and fall asleep with Ezra's arms wrapped around me and the moon casting an eerie glow across the apartment floor.
Waking up to him being the first face I see is the most amazing thing I could ever wish for, if I ever lost him I would be lost myself, lost in a world where I don't belong, where I can't be happy. He means everything to me.
"Morning beautiful." He says, a smile etched across his face, stretching from ear to ear. The crinkles at his eyes more defined.
"Morning." I smile as well.
Soon, I clamber out of bed to jump into the shower, letting the water rush down my spine, warming me through.
When I emerge from the bathroom, I see he's made breakfast for us.
"I could get used to this." I joke, grabbing a piece of toast and gnawing at the crust,
"I should go in a little while though."
His eyebrows crease together. "You could stay?"
"I could, yes, but then my mom would take pleasure in killing me because I missed family night and school."
He laughs, but I'm not joking. "If I missed family night, I'd be grounded for a fortnight...the previous experiences with that aren't the best. She may be being lenient about the other night but she won't let me off a second time. But since it's your day off, I'll skip school for you." I lean across to him and steal another kiss.
We spend the morning drinking coffee and reading books. He wanted to cook dinner for me but I hurriedly put it off with the lame, repetitive excuse of my mom's family night rules. Which are true, but they're still lame.
He kisses me goodbye as I make my way out of his apartment, glancing back at him still half leant out of his door.

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