How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard

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"Did you get everything?" Ezra says turning to me as he closes the car boot.
"Yeah I think so."
"Good, I don't fancy a trip back here anytime soon." He chuckles, kisses my forehead, sprints to the passenger's side of the car and holds the door open for me.
We drive down the road to Spencer's house, to meet the Spence, Han and Emily there before we leave.
"What's happening here?" I say, confused.
Caleb and Toby had also showed up to say goodbye. They were waiting on the front porch for us.
Spencer bolts down to our car and hugs me as soon as I get out.
"Are you sure you have to go?" She says, pouting childishly.
"Spence, don't make me feel even guiltier for leaving you." I smile.
We all make our way to the back garden for our final get-together for a while. Ezra, Toby and Caleb all grab a beer and stand on the backyard porch. Me, Spencer, Emily and Hanna, however, take seats around the table at the bottom of the garden.
"Make sure you stay in touch, Aria." Emily says.
"Of course I will. You know I'll never ever forget about you guys. I'll probably come back for visits to see my mom and maybe you all could come to California for a trip?"
"Like the summer vacation we've never been able to have." Hanna exclaims excitedly.
"Yes oh my god, we could go to the beach and have a road trip!" Emily says, getting giddy.
"That sounds good." I nod and smile.
Spencer raises her glass; "to friendship."
"To friendship" we all reply in unison, clinking our glasses.

Ezra POV:
"So you're leaving us to go to sunny California?" Toby says.
"We are. It's what me and Aria have wanted to do for a long time and I think she deserve some happiness." I glance over to where the girls are sat and catch Aria's eye. She smiles at me then turns to show Emily something on her phone.
"She got lucky to you have you in her life." Toby adds.
"It's not been all plain sailing though."
"You got that right." We all laugh.
"I think you two should come and visit us soon, bring the girls and we can have another get-together. I know they'd all love that." I say.
"That'd be a good idea." Caleb smiles and Toby agrees.
I look down to my watch and sigh in frustration as we have to leave. "We're going to have to go, our flight leaves in a few hours."

Aria POV:
Hanna hands us all a little drawstring, velvet pouch. I open it enthusiastically and see a gorgeous heart-shaped, silver locket inside. "Oh my god Han this is beautiful!" I immediately put it around my neck and so do the other two.
"I wanted you guys to have something special." She smiles. "I have one too, so we can always feel close to each other. Oh I almost forgot! Look inside." She grins.
I open the locket up and on one side there's an 'A' for 'Aria' engraved into the metal and on the other side there's a picture of me, Spencer, Emily and Hanna. I wipe away a tear.
"This is really beautiful Han." Spence says and Emily agrees, but can't talk as she's too choked up to. We all huddle for a group hug and I start to feel homesick even though we haven't even left yet.
The boys approach us halfway through us hugging. "Look what Hanna got, Ezra." I say.
"That's so pretty." Toby, Caleb and Ezra all look at the necklaces with the same reaction as us- but minus the tears.
"Honey we've got to go now." He whispers. I look toward him, desperate for another hour. "I know." He says to me, like he's reading my mind.
I lean into his shoulder and close my eyes, as though it will help me to stay here for a while longer.
"Is it time for you two to go?" Spencer says quietly.
I nod.
We all make our way to the front and exchange hugs.
I hug Hanna first, "I love you Hanna-banana." I say, crying.
"I love you aria, see you soon okay?"
Then spencer, "I love you Spence."
"I love you too, little one." I laugh.
"I'll not miss those height jokes though." I sniffle back tears.
She chuckles, "see you soon."
I move over to Emily, "I love you em."
"I love you too Aria."
Toby and Caleb hugged me all at once. "Guys you're gonna squish her!" Spencer joked.
"Height jokes again Spencer?" I laughed.
"As always." She smiles proudly.
I emerge from Toby and Caleb's bear hug, "make sure you look after the girls for me?" I tell them. "I didn't take those karate classes for nothing you know? I can't still kick your asses."
"I'd like to see you try." They joke.
I shake my head and laugh, pushing Toby away jokingly.
"What have I been saying all this time? She's small but she's mighty." Spencer says to Toby.
We all laugh.
"I'll call you all soon." I say after a second or two.
Ezra hugs the girls, then Caleb and then Toby. "See you guys later."
"See you Ezra."
He holds my hand and we walk down the drive, I turn round and wave. Climbing into the car, I turn to Ezra.
"Ready?" He asks.
I look out the window and hesitate before saying, "let's go." And smile at him.
We head out onto the roads and take one last look at Rosewood before leaving it behind completely. The tears are streaming down my face and I don't even know why.
"Are you okay?" He asks. "Do you need me to pullover."
"No, no I'm just..." I inhale deeply, "it's just overwhelming."
"I mean we could always go back to Rosewood and spend the rest of our lives there?"
I punch his arm playfully and roll my eyes.
"We'll be okay Aria. I'm so proud of you, you know that?"
"I'm proud of you too Ezra."
"Yeah but you're stronger than me, I love you Aria."
"I'm nowhere near as strong as you. I love you too."
"Just think we'll be in California this time tomorrow."
"I can just see the ocean now."
"Are you happy?" He takes my hand in his and places a light kiss on it.
"I am. Overwhelmed, but happier than ever."
He smiles at me and I kiss his cheek.
We were finally going.
We were finally leaving Rosewood.

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