5 years later

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I sit on our bench overlooking the picturesque view from our garden, with our young daughter April in my arms. It's peaceful and perfect. I hear Ezra's car pulling over the gravel driveway as he arrives home from work.
We've both achieved something that we have definitely wanted for quite some time: we're published and best-selling authors. Ezra works as a publisher and I work as a journalist, both in LA. However, Ezra was recently working more than me because I'd taken extra time off to look after April more. He didn't mind, he was happy to work but he was happier to come home to his family- I know because he reminds me everyday along with how much he loves us.
"How are my two favourite girls today?" He beams, spotting us on the bench and dropping the bags he was holding.
"We missed you." I smile as I see him. He never fails to make me feel in awe. Five years may have passed and we have been through the rockiest rollercoaster ride we could ever imagine, but I love him more and more each day. He is something else entirely. He is the best father and husband I could ever wish for.
"I missed you too." He places a kiss on my lips and tickles April's tummy, smiling at her with nothing but love filling his gaze. She had just turned two years old. Her brunette curls bounced whenever she moved and her big, sea-green eyes were the image of Ezra's. 

"Daddy!" She giggled. She is also mastering talking. Me and Ezra love her to pieces, she is a blessing, a sign of faith and hope. And we both agree she is the best thing to happen to us in a long, long time.

It's been a little lonely here in California at times through these past five years. Even though the girls often came, we often visited my family in Rosewood and me and Ezra were more or less always busy at work, it did get a little bit lonely. We travel a lot for book tours and just in general and it feels good to not be bound to one place, to not be tied down to anywhere anymore. We've been free of A for five years, five amazing and eventful years. It was uncovered that Cece Drake was in fact the one underneath the black hoodie. However, me and Ezra vowed to not start a proper family until we felt this was really over with, it wasn't fair to bring a child into a world where danger faced them around every corner. So three years later I gave birth to April Elizabeth Fitz.

Spencer, Toby and their four year old daughter- Avery- live close to Washington for Spencer's and Toby's work. Spencer is working in the Whitehouse and is clearly aiming for president one day in the future and Toby is in the police force. They've been happily married for two years and Spencer is seven months pregnant with another baby boy.

Hanna and Caleb live in New York with their twins- Georgia and Autumn- and their older daughter Holly. Hanna has her own clothing line- designed entirely by her, she'd worked hard and she really deserved it and Caleb owns his own company. They've been married for four years now and I've never seen them happier.

Emily lives in Florida but often stays with her mom in Rosewood. She's dating a girl called Sabrina who she met at college. She's currently working in medical research and she wants to go to underprivileged countries to be a doctor there. Sometimes she stays here in Cali with us for the summer but more often than not she goes away with Habitat for Humanity and helps other people. It's good to see her smile again after she lost her dad; dating Sabrina and working in that field of research always brings out her smile.

So since we all live in different states, lead different lives completely and are swimming in work and family life, it's hard to have get togethers and meet up. But all of our weddings were all nights we'll remember for a long time. Me and Ezra married in Rosewood to be close to home and I also gave birth to April in Rosewood so we could take her to meet my family and the girls without worrying about getting everyone to California. We've had play dates for our children and we've been on holidays and outings together but we'd all like to be able to see each other more. We just know we have to wait for a little while longer and hope it happens.
I have to admit I never thought I'd be this happy. Ever. I thought I'd be one of those people who wanted to be happy, wanted it more than anything, but never actually would be. I was proven wrong. I found Ezra- not only my husband but my best friend, I have a beautiful daughter, friends who are more like family and my family back in Rosewood. It doesn't really get any better than this.
"What are you thinking about?" Ezra said, kissing my neck as he sat on the bench.
"How lucky I am." We smile at each other.
"You know, that never fails to cross my mind every waking moment of seeing you and April. Of waking up to you by my side every morning. Of seeing the bundle of joy we created. I love you Aria Fitz."
"I love you so much more, Ezra." I say as I lean my head on his shoulder and he embraces me and April, while we all take in the view.


I stand in the doorway watching Ezra read April her favourite bedtime story, while she yawns tiredly. When he closes the book, I can hear April's soft snores as she sleeps, and hugs her favourite soft toy to her chest, peacefully. He walks over to me and we close her door quietly.
In the kitchen Ezra produces a bottle of wine and two glasses, but I look at them hesitantly. "I shouldn't." I say, smiling apologetically.
"Why not?" He asks confused, "you've never denied a bottle of wine before."
I laugh, "Ezra I have something to tell you."
"It better be something to make up for the fact your husband's drinking alone tonight." He says sarcastically, smirking. 
"I'm pregnant." I place a hand on my stomach.
"You're what?" I see his face change and a light grow in his eyes.
"I'm pregnant." I hold up the pregnancy test that he failed to realise I was holding.
He walks around the island to me and holds my hands in his. "Say it again." He whispers.
"Ezra," I whine childishly.
"Just say it again, I want to hear it one more time." He pulls me closer and I laugh into his neck while he kisses mine.
"I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father again." I say quietly, just so he can hear me.
I look at him and a few tears roll down my cheeks. Then I see a solitary one escape his eye.
"Oh god I'm so in love with you." He tells me, laughing happily, then picking me up and gently spins me around before setting me down on my feet again.
"I love you Ezra. We love you Ezra."
He takes my hands and slow dances with me around the kitchen- a tradition we have for our frequent date nights- I smile idiotically.

I feel happy, more than happy. This is something I've never felt before and I never want it to stop ever. I know it never will as long as I continue to have this life and the people in it.

The end.

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