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Hey! What are you doing here in Kwanice? Oh, That's right! You came from one of the gates! Welcome! My name's Dew. What's that? What's Kwanice? Why do I look like I'm made of glass and could shatter at any moment? Well, I'm not made of glass. I'm made of, Well, Dew! And Kwanice... It's the land of fairies! You're sitting in it! Every fairy has a specialty, Mine is storytelling. Yours might be crafting magical objects, Or forging weapons, Or wind riding! Oh, What are the gates the you magically come through after you pass from your other life? Well, There are three gates. There's the Golden Gate, Guarded by Bramble Esprite. Then the Blossom Gate, Guarded by Tangle Vinesnap. Tangle and I happen to also be very close friends, seeing as no one actually uses the Blossom Gate. Then, the Black Gate. Nobody knows the true name of the Black Gate, Except the Guardian, Gossamer Catfly. She and I were close friends until she was taken over by the Black Gate, It being the most malicious of the three. She now denies all old friendships, And only serves the Black Gate. She could be potentially dangerous to the land of Kwanice. Now, The Golden Gate brings and creates new fairies into Kwanice, While the Black Gate destroys and consumes Fairies who have committed treason, Or another serious offence, Such as trying to take over Blossom Gate. Blossom Gate lets fairies who have recently passed into this world without others to visit their families. When you take over the Blossom Gate, If you succeed, you can turn the Blossom Gate's power into anything you desire. It could make food for all citizens of Kwanice, Or you can turn it into a another Black Gate. Anything you want! Anyways, Enough with the explaining, let's find out your name! (Y/n) (L/n)... Hmm... North Demonspider... Ominous... I wonder what your future here will be like! Anyways... I feel someone starting their own story now... You wanna listen? It's always exciting to recite a live action story that plays out as you tell the story. You, The reader can also be in the story, as long as I'm with you, being a storyteller and all! Let's begin, North.

Author's Note: The picture is Dew.

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