Chapter One

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Rose Starglitter. That is the name of our hero in this story. But she thinks herself far from a hero Before she meets a very special fairy.

*Rose's PoV*

Rose woke up to her best friend, And co-worker, Stone Starnest, Calling her name outside.

"Rose! Rose! We gotta get to practice! Coach is going to be furious if we're late to catch the winds again!" He called. Oh no. Did I over sleep again? I quickly threw on a simple pair of birch leaf leggings and a blush pink rose petal top. Hence my name. Rose, I mean. I don't know where Starglitter came from.

"Sorry Stone, I just can't seem to wake up on time!" I chuckled nervously. "We shouldn't be late for our second day as in-training wind-riders, Right?"

"Race ya!" Stone called as he took to the skies, Me following close after. I ended up winning, but... I still think that Stone has the art of wind-riding down. He could be a performer! I'll probably end up in a medical field because of my swiftness... Or a Racer. Which is almost as good as an aerial performer. Either way, I could get famous! Practice went fairly well, I beat everyone, Except Coach, In the speed races. Walking home through the forest, Because my wings were hella tired, I heard someone scream bloody murder. I decided to go check it out. I pulled out my Vaenia, A certain weapon every fairy has, depending on their job. I snuck towards the sound and found myself in a glade. In that glade, There was an ice fairy, Trying to take a water fairy's Vaenia.

"Hey!" I shouted, Turning the stylized hunting knife in my hands, "Step away from her, Traitor!" I charged at the ice fairy, Locking my stylized knife and arm around her neck, "Make sure you don't leave!" I shouted to the water fairy, I'll come back in a few minutes!" Then I proceeded to fly her to the Embassy. The Embassy is the place where all traitors, criminals and overall bad people go, with a witness, to be deemed worthy, or unworthy to be thrown into the Black Gate.

*After Black Gate Trials*

I sped back towards the glade, And when I got there, the water fairy was making beautiful sculptures with the pond water.

"Oh. Hello again! My name is Gentle Catfrost. Ironic, Right? Seeing as I just got attacked by an Ice fairy."

"Yeah, My name is Rose Starglitter. What were you doing out here all by yourself?" I inquired,

"Oh... Um... I guess it would have had to come out sooner or later. I-I was looking for you, Starglitter. I-I need you to come with--- with me on a quest... Please! The gatekeeper of the Black Gate has been taken over, And I need you, and a couple others to help me defeat her! She's extremely powerful and could turn on the Embassy any second!" She fell to her knees and begged me to come with her.

"Okay, Okay! I'll come with you, But on one condition. I get to bring my friend, Stone."

"Oh! He was one of the others I was looking for! He would be going along with us anyways!" I signaled for her to follow me. Catfrost and I flew us to Stone's house.

"Stone! Stone! Are you home? There's someone who wants to meet you!"

"Alright! Who is this mystery fairy that wants to see me?"

"This is Gentle Catfrost. She wants us to go on an epic quest to go defeat Gossamer Catfly! You know, like, only the most dangerous fairy in Kwanice, The guardian of the Black Gate?"

"WHAT?! YOU MUST BE CRAZY! TRYING TO DEFEAT THE GOSSAMER IS SUICIDE!!" Stone yells, obviously not impressed by the fact that we might be able to be heroes in the eyes of all generations of fairies that come after.

"Catfrost, Would you maybe step outside so Stone and I can talk?" I ushered her out of the room. "Stone, What are you thinking, turning her down like that? I only said I would go with her if you went too! She's a water fairy! Her region of Kwanice would be the first to be hit by the wrath of the black gate! I already saved her once! I don't want to do it again!" He slams his fist against the wall.

"Rose! I can't lose you! And I don't want to lose my own life on this pointless journey. We could get all the way to the Black Gate, just to die at Gossamer's feet!" I was taken aback by his words.

"Stone, If you come with me, Then we both have less chance of dying! The more people to protect each other, The less likely anyone is to die!"

"I guess you're right... Again. Why are you always right?" He smiles brightly at me, like none of the previous words had been said.

"I'm just amazing like that." I joke. He mumbles something under his breath again. "Alright, Catfrost, You can come back in!" I call to her, as she almost floats into the room.

"So Stone, Have you decided?" She asks Stone, raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah, I think I have. I'm coming with you." Catfrost's face lights up. "But only to protect Rose."

"Alright! I'm just satisfied that you're coming!" I started to wonder where this adventure would take us next.

FrUking Wattpad is being a butt at 11:30 at night. I DON'T NEED TO TAKE YOUR BULLCRAP WATTPAD!

Edit: This picture is a little dramatic, but it shows Catfrost

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Edit: This picture is a little dramatic, but it shows Catfrost.

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