Chapter Three

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As we approached the tall, black, spiraled tower, I got a weird feeling in my stomach.

"I sense a bad presence here..." I look up at the tower, as we were now at its feet. "Never have I felt it this strong..." Catfrost was practically shivering because of the ice fairies nearby.

"I-It's Agaricsprite's spirit. He has always been evil and cold hearted. It gives an uneasy feeling to any fairy who sets foot near his so called 'sanctuaries'." I was confused now.

"Isn't Agaricsprite your family na-"

"No. My sister's is AgaricGLOW. Not mine. I renounced that name a long time ago. His name is AgaricSPRITE. There's a clear difference." She huffed, hardly shivering anymore. "Let's just go. I'll try my best to heal you guys, but it might be too cold in there.

*Seven grueling, and Author-chan MEANS IT, hours later*

Damn! Those ice fairies do not know how to physically give up, I mean, seven hours! SEVEN HOURS! That's a lot for fighting five untrained, undisciplined ice fairies. And their magic is the most fragile.

"Well, THAT went well." Stone grumbles. "I think I might be sore for weeks after that." I roll my eyes at him. He can be such a big baby. "Why did I ever agree to come on this adventure? Oh, that's right. To protect you, Rose. And you thank me with an eye roll." I laugh despite the cold.

"Do you KNOW how many times I saved your butt today? Who's protecting who?" I remark, giggling all the while. He gives me the I'll-kill-you-later look. "Don't be like that Stone. You know you'll always be my hero, and all that jazz." He smiles warmly at me. "Ok, enough resting." I said, getting restless. "If we want get out of this god-forsaken place by dark, we need to go. NOW." We started walking at a brisk pace. It had become extremely quiet. It worries me.

*Third person*

"ROSE! LOOK OUT!" Stone yells, as something, a ball mixed and conjured of pure shadow and darkness engulfed Rose, hiding her completely from view.

*Time stops, Due to Dew's powers*

Well North, I have seen your story, and I have to say, It's quite interesting. Ah! No spoilers! But I can tell, we both have a bigger part then you could ever imagine. How does a mere storyteller play part in the story? Well that, you will soon find out. I can grant you one powerful playing piece though. The rest of your pieces are hidden. You must find them. And I must say, very well hidden. The piece I am giving you is the Pawn of Influence. It allows you to put yourself in the story, and you have the power to stop their impending doom. But, You cannot come back here once you use it. Unless you die. Then you get reincarnated by the Pawn. Here, take it. But the shard loses all power and turns into a regular chess piece after a single use. Collect all the pieces and, well, I'll let you figure that out on your own. Let's see what's going on inside that dark orb, now.

*Fate loosens its hold on the present, allowing the river of time to flow again.*

*Also Rose's PoV*

I was in unbearable, immeasurable pain. The darkness fell like it was seeping into me, darkening my heart. At the same time, I felt like a truly immense bank of power was being unlocked. I scream, I twist, I thrash, Nothing is getting me out of this. I can feel myself succumbing to the darkness. It felt so good, being cloaked in darkness, feeling like laughing at the pain, suffering, and desperation of other, weaker beings. It felt like being a Conqueror. I have memories of enslaving all of a continent, watching as it's empire fell apart, and thinking, I did a good job. I will surely be rewarded by Her Dark Majesty. And I laugh. Laugh at the thought of being kind. Laugh at people who are moronic enough to trust me. And laugh at seeing them begging for mercy at my feet.

*Stone's PoV*

I just have to just sit there, listening to my closest friend scream in anguish and pain. And then it suddenly stops. I look up hopefully, hoping to see Rose, alive and well, waking me up from a nightmare. But no. Her voice inside the dark, swirling orb was laughing, not out of joy, not because the pain was rescinding. The laugh that came in the form of her voice was a crazed, insane laugh, one of someone who has conquered nations with only their bloodlust. One of a murderer. This was more torture than any scream that she could utter. It was torture for me.

*Thw flow of time is held at a standstill*

Do you wish to interfere, North?

That got dramatic at the end! Ok, so I lied. I write best at midnight, so I stayed up to write this for anyone who actually reads this. As you can see, my brain can go so bipolar late at night, it can go from teasing each other playfully, taking a nice walk, and then flip-flop to the two of them being tortured. Also, the reason that Catfrost has been so quiet is that she is really, really, cold right now. She cannot physically speak. So, Yeah! Next one will be up soon!

(I lied. It has been a year and I have still not finished the next chapter. I am working on it now though. 2/12/2018)

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