Chapter 2

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Important A/n pls read before continuing:Before i start this i wanna say that in this story im making up my own plot so this isnt just gonna be the plot that  Sui Ishida with m/n added in because i would rather make my own villains/antagonist or added side characters with a few characters from the original anime.
-- Chapter Starts here --
Tokyo, December 10th 8:36 Am
District: 17th
3rd pov
Walking into The CCG office the h/c Male walked over to one of the many rooms of the building and opened a door labeled "#24". Sitting down on a chair he leaned down to put his briefcase next to the chair.
Leaning back up he looked at the other faces that were sitting at the table all looking at him. Those were the faces of his squad members, the ones he would do the difficult jobs with that no one except a pro like Arima could do themselves.

Their squad consists of five people, including m/n himself. Their squad leader is a woman in her late thirties named Erina who was famous at CCG for killing thirty ghouls in a single month by herself. The Deputy squad leader was a bubbly yet dangerous Teen named Mika. He had become an associate special class investigator three years after  he became an investigator, which is a task that is nearly impossible. Then there are the twins named "Rin" and "Ren". Rin isnt the smartest in a bunch but she has incredible strength, and Ren could be considered a genius but with his weak body he cant do much on the battlefield but when they team up together they can get rid of a lot of ghouls. And last but not least is of course M/n, seemingly emotionless he has killed lots of ghouls just by himself, he has good dodging skills and can move quickly with his quinque to attack, just recently he got moved up to being a First class investigator after killing an s rated ghoul.(so just in case you are wondering Erina is a special class investigator, Mika is an associate special class invetigator, M/n is a first class investigator , rin and ran are rank one investigators. Ps: sorry if the squad seems really overpowered or like gary/mary sues)

M/n became confused as they all stopped discussing a new mission they just got assigned and just stared at him. Tilting his head to the side he asked "what? Is there something on my face?" Feeling a hit on the back of his head he looked up to Erina who was standing behind him with an angry expression "you were supposed to be here two hours ago! Where the hell have you been idiot! We were starting to think you died or something" she exclaimed dramatically while pointing a finger at him. "Oh, sorry. I was fighting a persistent ghoul that just wouldnt die" he replied back in monotone.
Sighing in frustration the woman sat down again. " we have a new ghoul we have to take care of so listen up, got it!" She said in a strict voice opening a folder that had information about the ghoul that they needed to take care of this time, a ghoul that went by the code name "siren"

--Chapter finished--

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