Chapter 4

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Elizabeth had to hold back the grin forming on her face at the sight of the cheery couple, who also happened to be her next victims, she could practically feel the scream the young girl in front of her would let out, and it didnt help that she had been in hiding for a month and was ready to pounce at them in the restaurant. keeping those thoughts to herself she smiled brightly, shaking hands with the girl "what can i help you with~?" she practically cooed, voice like honey as her smile never backed down, along with the grip she had on the girls arm. "we both loved your performance so much, so if it would be possible, could we please get an autograph?"
The words were hard to force out of his throat but he managed to do it, he could see why so many people were charmed by such a woman and he almost felt bad that he wouldn't be able to hear her sing again, but the sooner it was over, the sooner he could be back in normal clothes and sooner that he could barf away the food that made him nauseous to only think about.
This is just too easy.
Was a though that both of them had, even with the completely different goals they had in mind.
(M/n) almost forgot about Mika when he eagerly handed over the notebook, watching as the woman signed it with grace, a smile that could be described as humble to some on her face, though the cracks in it were obvious if you looked hard enough, "you know, I wasn't very satisfied with the amount of time they let me on in this bar, I'm getting to irrelevant or something, I still have some noise left in me, so if you really want to just follow behind me and you might get your own private show~" she promised before walking out, the seemingly happy couple on her trail though they were ignorant to the growing grin of hunger on her face. She turned straight into an alleyway, stopping in her tracks she turned to the young couple, an object which most closely resembled a sword growing out from below her shoulder blade and twisting around her arm, a laugh was all that could be heard in the seemingly empty alleyway.
"I'll try to make this as painless as I can, you are my dear fans after all~"

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