Chapter 3

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Tokyo, 5:37 pm
M/n looked down at the (Color) (Style) dress he had to put on and sighed in disgust. "Remind me again why i have to wear this?" He questioned Erina as he put on a scratchy wig and tightened the corset around his waist. "Well, i need you and Mika to sneak in to the restaurant with you disguised as a girl and become her one of her victims.Mika will join you in the restaurant shortly after you enter " Erina replied back with an evil glint in her eyes.
"Or maybe you just want to get back at me for being late." M/n sighed before he put on the dress, letting Erina fix the wig on his head and put on some makeup to make his manliness less apparent.
He walked around for a little, testing the limits on the corset on his way to the mirror and almost chocked twice at how little air he was able to take in.
"What the hell have you done to me?!" Could be heard off in the distance as M/n looked at his heavily makeuped face in the mirror. The corset he had been forced into  made his shape turn more girly and the wig was so perfectly placed on he doubted that it wasnt his own hair for a second. He looked like a freaking girl.
He stared in horror at the mirror paralyzed in shock and almost pulled down his boxers just to make sure that his mini m/n was still there, only to be stopped by Erina Damn her.
"Id say ive worked a miracle~" He could almost hear the smugness in her voice as he was tugged along the CCG headquarters
"Do you remember what you need to do?"
"For the last damn time, i do, now let me go!" M/n tugged his hand out of Erinas hold walking out of the black limousine that Erina insisted they should spend their budget on to rent for the occasion, he could still hear Mikas irritating laughter from inside the car, it made his blood boil and he was about ready to snap the teens neck before his common sense forced him to do otherwise.
He walked along the path of the restaurant, mentally sneering at the ghouls who looked at him like they wanted to devour him whole, he could smell them from yards away but knew they couldnt tell he was a ghoul because of his birth defect that made him not have a scent.
He forced himself to smile as he walked inside the restaurant, the smell of flesh in the air was tempting him to just run into the kitchen and devour everything but he just jammed his hands into the pockets of his coat and walked toward the table they had booked for him.
He could hear the sweet singing coming from the stage that was a few tables in front of him as he skimmed through all of the contents of the menu and understood why they called her a siren. The lady in question, or "Elizabeth Rosewood" in name was known to attack the wives of men out of jealousy since her own husband had left her for a different girl, she would sing in a restaurant mapping out young couples who looked happy together and would hunt them down, angry that she hadnt been able to get her own happy ending.
M/n put the menu down when he heard the door open and close a few minutes after he entered and faced the doors rolling his eyes at his 'husband' who walked in. He forced himself out of the seat as he hugged Mika when he was closer, he made sure no one could see him as he silently whispered "i hate you", which Mika gladly returned with a smile.
M/n sat across from Mika at the table and could still smell the overwhelming amount of cologne the other had sprayed on, as if it would make him look manly, M/n almost laughed at the thought, Mika himself didnt look masculine one bit, not even in his fancy suit and tie and m/n had almost argued with Erina on why he had been chosen when Mika was perfect for it, but gave up when the woman started going into a rant, choosing to rather suffer in a corset next to a teen he hates rather then to have to listen to Erina Talk for two hours.
He ordered some shrimp for himself while Mika decided to get a childrens 5 piece nuggets so that he could get a 'cool spiderman toy' that was included.
When the food finally came half an hour later M/n had to force himself to down the shrimp and hardly objected when Mika started to steal his food, pretending not to notice even though it was obvious. He always hated having to eat human food, and while he always looked unmoved on the surface was cringing in pain below since he knew what he was going to have to throw up later, it was even more ironic since M/n had developed a phobia of puke but still had to do it in order to survive.
If M/n had to describe it he would say that the texture and taste of the raw fish in his mouth was as though someone had worn their decaying shoes outside in the fall slipped into mud gotten back home blended it together along with some crickets and spiders then placed that into the freezer for twelve days before serving it to someone. So yeah, it wasn't pretty.
He almost cried in joy when he finished the last fish and looked up at the stage, clapping when others would start to clap.
After listening like a zombie to five more hypnotizing songs he was broken out of his trance by Mika who shook him by his shoulders reminding him to take control of himself,its not like he even needed to be reminded though since he could just snap out himself anytime.
He looked up again after ten minutes of sitting in boredom and listening to Mikas overly exaggerated childhood stories that he doubted even the male belived were true he was relived to realize that Elizabeth was bowing down to signal that her shift was over and that others were about to come play.
He tugged at Mikas sleeve interrupted another story on how he killed a ghoul by himself at the age of two and motioned  toward the woman who was a few feet in front of their table about to walk out of the restaurant with a bag of what M/n assumed was flesh from the chefs since she probably hadnt fed in a few weeks, considering how she had bags under her eyes and was walking slower then most everyone also, which also meant it would be the perfect time to attack.
"Excuse me miss!" He called out in an obnoxiously cheerful tone of voice and he walked toward the girl who snapped her head im his direction as soon as she noticed. He made sure to wave his hand with the ring on it and to hold on tightly to Mikas hand, who looked as uncomfortable as he felt with being so close.

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