Dinner (Ch.2) {Edited and Changed}

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(Thorin Won!)

Thorin p.o.v.

We had sat down a few moments ago and the Elf Lord was examining our swords that we had found in the troll hoard. The Elf had asked what we were doing on the eastern road when all Elves stopped what they were doing and stared towards the doorway. My kin and I were confused. I watched as my nephews looked where the Elves looked and their faces went from confused to shock and awe. The other Dwarves followed my nephews example and the exact same thing happened to them. Me, being the only one not looking, I decided to see what everyone was gawking at. So I looked to the door and my heart stopped. The woman, Starshot, was wearing a black dress with silver and blue embroidery designs. Her black hair was tied up in a style that I had no name for. She looked dazzling, like a million stars shining in the same spot trying to blind me.... us.

She blushed, was that blue?, and then said, "Oh, come now! I'm not that terrible looking am I?" She asked.

She thought she was ugly? She truly didn't know how beautiful she was. "No. Your beauty, again, has merely rendered everyone speechless." I wish I was the one to have said that but it was Gandalf. Wait....again? "Its not everyday someone gets to see Starshot Prime wear a dress."

"Prime is merely a title not my last name Gandalf." Starshot said.

"Wha' do ye mean by tha' lass?" Bâlin asked the same question for the second time today. I wanted to know too and I silently thanked him for asking.

She walked over to our table and sat down next to me and the Elf Lord. Then she spoke, "In order to understand why being a Prime is a title you'd have to hear the history of Cybertron. Our home."

"Would you tell us?" Fíli asked.

"Please?" Kíli added.

"If everyone truly wishes to hear it." She said.

"Please tell us." I said.

"Alright. Before any Cybertronian stood, before time started. There was Primus and Unicron. Twin brothers who fought against each other for power. Primus fought for light, creation and for all things living. Unicron, the chaos bringer, fought for darkness and seeked to destroy everything in his path. One day Primus created thirteen Cybertronians called Primes to help him defeat Unicron and then after days of fighting Unicron went into a forced stasis and floated away from his brother. Primus turned himself into Cybertron, my home and he was its core. He created more Cybertronians. The Primes were given the task of keeping the peace. One was corrupted by Unicrons' spark calling him from so far away. He was banished from Cybertron and many think him dead. Primus then created the allspark. The allspark gives life to new sparklings. When a Cybertronian dies their spark goes to the well of allsparks. Many Primes died as the inhabitants of Cybertron grew and the years grew longer. Til only one Prime remained he had a son. That Prime died eventually but not before passing his Matrix of Leadership to his son. The line kept on going until the Matrix, which gives a Prime the wisdom of all Primes before him/her, was taken back to the core of the Planet as the Prime who had it had failed to pass it on before he died. In order to get the Matrix you have to earn it or you have to receive it from a previous Prime. That last Prime was my great-grandoppi. My Oppi grew up as an ordinary 'bot. Until his brother, who was a gladiator that never lost, decided to bring the fact of our inequality to the attention of the council that ruled over us in the last Prime's wake. At this time my Oppi was known as Orion Pax a data clerk or Archivist under the command of the oldest and wisest Cybertronian alive Alpha Trion. He went with his brother to the council and it was there that my uncle showed his true intentions. He wanted them to name him the next Prime. And when they refused he vowed he would take over Cybertron by force and make everyone equal. My Oppi disagreed with the way his brother was suggesting, he stepped up and spoke from his Spark giving the council ideas for a better brighter future for Cybertron. My uncle, in a rage, left the council room vowing never to speak to my Oppi again. Two days later my uncle gathered hundreds of bots who wanted exactly what he wanted, equality, but in their anger it turned to something else....they called themselves Decepticons. A war is what became of their anger, a war over our world's supply of the most precious crystal known to all Cybertronian kind...... Energon. When the Crystal is heated it turns into a liquid once the liquid cooled it can be drunk by Cybertronians. Energon is what keeps Cybertronians alive. It is our fuel, our weapon and our lifeblood. Our home was dying and in a last ditch effort to keep the Planet alive my Oppi traveled down to the core of Cybertron which took him about ten Cybertronian days......which is a year to your kind. When he got there he spoke to Primus who gave him the Matrix of Leadership, and changed him from Orion Pax to who he was meant to be.......Optimus Prime. The last descendant of Primus. Two and a half Cybertronian years later the planet was dangerously close to going dark, My Oppi was able to get most of the Cybertronians off the Planet before it went dark even me and my younger sister.....I was only about two Cybertronian years old at the time.....my sister a year. My danniluk, My Oppi's Sparkmate, died in the war when fighting against Starscream my uncle's second in command. My uncle ripped my adopted brother's voicebox out of his neck during the war, My brother almost died. The war is still going on and it won't end until my uncle is dead but my Oppi hopes that the war will end without his brother as one of the casualties." She told us her people's history.

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