Transformed (Ch.6)

397 15 4

{Edited and Added to: December 19, 2017}

Thorin p.o.v.

We dodged and fought orcs along the river while evading capture from the Elves. Star was having more 'glitches', as she calls them, very frequently. When we got away from the Orcs and got to dry land everyone was resting for a bit when Star collapsed.

Everyone rushed over to her and I held her in my arms. "Star!"

She opened her eyes slightly before saying urgently, "Move!"

I did as she said reluctantly, Dwâlin pulling me away from her, before she had another glitch and her body started to change. She got taller, her skin turned to metal, her hair was gone, all in all it looked like she grew armor. (A/N: She looks like a black, blue and Silver version of Arcee.) She was screaming in pain and each tortured scream that came from her mouth broke a piece of my heart off.

After her screaming stopped she sat up and her eyes were shining blue. She looked over to me and smiled the said, "Hey guys." Then a weird metal on metal sound was heard and she was back to looking like the Star I met back in Rivendell.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"That was my last upgrade. I can now transform like my parents only I don't have an alt yet. I have my human form and my Cybertronian form. The giant metal person was my Cybertronian form and the form you met me in and see me in now is my human form." Star answered.

Fíli called us over to Kíli who's leg was injured. A light shone from Stars' eyes over Kílis' injured leg for a few moments then the light was gone and Star looked like she was thinking. "It's infected and needs to be cleaned but we don't have the supplies nor the time to do so. I suggest binding it now and later cleaning it when we have time and supplies." She looked towards me.

I nodded. "Bind it quickly." I told Fíli.

An arrow was shot at a branch that Dwâlin was using to protect Ori. Then a rock that Kíli was going to throw. "Do it again and you're dead." The man said.

Star held her arm up to the man, her hand turning into a strange weapon. "I do not wish to harm you so lower the bow or you're dead."

~Time skip~

We were on a barge waiting to get close to laketown so we could get the supplies we needed.

I looked over to Star. The image of her true form burned into my brain.....even her metal form was beautiful beyond compare. I walked over to Star and sat down next to her. "You know. Your transformation scared me nearly to death." I said trying to be as honest as I could without fully giving away how I felt- it was pointless to try and keep her from knowing how I felt.....if we were to die I want her to know how I felt, and if we didn't die she would know I loved her before I asked her to be my Queen. Tomorrow on Durins' day we either died or reclaimed our home. And Star might leave to go home.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"Because I care about you.....allot more than I should. Your so beautiful and you keep on surprising me in the best ways possible. So when you started screaming I had to have Dwâlin hold me back when you told everyone to move." I would've continued in my rant if she hadn't of stopped me with a kiss. I wrapped my arms around her and deepened the kiss. There was no doubt now, she was my one and that both exhilarated me and scared me. I was more than happy she was with me but at the same time I was afraid she'd leave me to go back home. If she left I'd die from the loss of her.

Starshot p.o.v.

When Thorin started talking about why my final upgrade nearly scared him to death....I was so touched. At first I was afraid that he'd fear me, until he started telling me how much he cared for me. I couldn't stand it anymore the feelings inside me were bursting at the seams and he looked scared but at the same time very handsome and brave and absolutely wonderful. My father wasn't kidding when he told me that Cybertronians' emotions were stronger than humans. Cybertronians didn't feel much physicality wise except touch, pain and pleasure weren't things we felt physically, but we made up for it in our emotions. I kissed Thorin, after a second of shock his arms wrapped around me and he kissed me back deepening the kiss. After a few moments we released each other. :I love you.: I told him in Cybertronian. He gave me a questioning look and I smiled at him. "I love you." I said in common tounge. A smile graced his features it was a beautiful sight to see as I hadn't seen him smile this big ever. I've seen him smile but it was small smiles directed at his nephews when they did something he was fond of.

"And I you." He replied, who needs butterflies he gave me the whole fragging zoo!

"Ha! Pay up Glóin!" I heard Nóri say. Bâlin, Nóri, Kíli, Fíli, and Bofur caught money tossed to them by the others in the company.

I started laughing at the exchange my smile huge, the company looked at me in awe. I slowly dropped my smile. "No please continue smiling." Thorin said. I gave him a surprised look. Then a grin crossed my face.

~time skip~

Bard rushes over telling us to give him the money and get in the barrels. I share one with Thorin again. We get covered in fish and almost got caught.

Then to top it off we have to crawl up a toilet to get in this guys house.

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This is for @DeniceHiggins4
Thank you

Ye Olde Machine (Hobbit/Transformers Prime Crossover)Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now