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Yoongi's POV

Weeks became tiresome for us, really. Repeating the same routine over and over. Going to school with Jungkook, granting hes petty and irrelevant wishes, eating and going to sleep.

This cycle has been going on for a few weeks and at this rate we're going to be his Godparents forever.

I really don't like the kid, and I don't want to be here, but alas, it's my job and it's not like I can quit. Actually, can I?

Nobody has ever wanted to quit so I don't know if it's possible. It's almost midnight so Namjoon and Jungkook are asleep, so I guess I'll take a trip to fairy world .


By trip to fairy world I practically meant just snapping my finger and appearing there. Once I got there I practically ran to Jackson house. I mean if anybody knows about how to not be a Godparent, it's him.

"Hey Yoongi, why are you here so late?" He said questioning why I was at his house at practically one in the morning.

"I have some questions to ask you." I said. He nodded and gestured for me to come in.

"Wait here, i'll go make some bubble tea." He said as he headed off somewhere, only to return a few seconds later with two cups of pink bubble tea.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" He said. He actually seemed genuinely concerned.

"I was thinking and, I don't want to be a godparent anymore." That took him off guard as he spit out his tea and dropped the mug, making it shatter on the ground.

"What? Why?" He said as he couldn't wrap his head around why I wouldn't want to bring happiness to people anymore.

"Well, I just don't enjoy granting wishes anymore, but is there really no way to not be a Godparent anymore?"

"Well there is one way, but it would involve sacrifice, and for you to become human."

"Sacrifice? What kind of sacrifice?" I said, scared. I mean I don't want to have to sacrifice someone I know, and maybe even Jungkook.

"You know how every fairy has an anti fairy? Like for example my anti fairy is Baekhyun, basically the complete opposite of me. And since your a complete bitch your anti-fairy should not be a complete bitch." He said ending it with a chuckle.

"But that's so impossible." I said. It really is, there are so many people that are opposites of me. I can't just pinpoint one person.

"Well, he's probably somewhere around Jungkook because Baekyun usually sends anti-faries to be around faires and their godchildren just to mess with them. Okay, that makes sense.

"Oh and another thing, you will most likely feel pain if you interact with your anti-fairy, im not sure why though." He said, while I just sat there, nodded as to tell him that I understand.

"So say you find your anti fairy you have to..." He said, trailing off as if he wanted me to understand something.

"You have to kill him.." He said, again trailing off.

"What?! Why?" I said panicking. I mean yeah anti-faries are bad but nobody deserves to die.

"That's only the first part, keep listening." He said as I sat silently, making sure to make eye contact so he knows I was listening.

"So once you find and kill your anti-fairy you have exactly 24 hours from his death find a replacement fairy. Once you find him you can transfer your power to him. You don't really need to learn how though, it comes naturally." He said as he finished his little teaching session.

"Oh and remember, the person you pick as a replacement will then become Namjoon's partner. As a human you will not be prohibited to speak to him but you can keep your memories, unless you decide to tell someone, then they will be erased.

"Okay, thank you Jackson." I said as I left the building, contemplating on what I should do.

I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I killed someone just because I wanted to. It's selfish. But at the same time it's an anti-fairy. He kills for fun and deserves to die.

After my session of debating with myself I found myself back at Jungkook's house.

I got in bed finally making up my mind. I'll do it. No matter how long it takes i'll find that 'anti-fairy' and kill him. I have to.

[A/N I haven't updated in so long, I don't have an excuse, i'm sorry]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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