Part Twelve

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After a quick pit stop to buy a bottle of wine, they arrived at Jane's house. She owned a classic white farmhouse on a large plot of land. A long, curving gravel driveway led them up to the property which was glowing like a lighthouse guiding them to shore. Vast spaces of greenery and large, bowing trees greeted them as they approached. While Jessica allowed her surroundings to run a little wilder, Jane's were beautifully maintained. Piles of burning orange leaves lined the grassy sides of the pathway to the gleaming house, while the flowerbeds and vegetable garden rested healthily, waiting for their season. It was clear that the colder weather was withholding the stunning potential that summer would allow the property to surpass.

"God, it's beautiful," Danny said.

"Yeah, this is what I would want if it didn't take so much work," Jessica agreed, leaning forward and squinting ahead. "Just turn down here and park round the back, the front of the house looks full."

Danny turned left, steering them past the gates of the front drive and garden and to a secluded little patch of gravel behind a small, desolate barn. They parked in line with two other cars and stepped out onto the stones.

Jessica led them through the back gate, where the garden was a masterpiece in itself. Ponds and water features preluded the sizeable patio where a fire pit took centre stage; several tables had been placed against the wall of the house and were lined with wine, spirits and mixers left to cool in the autumnal chill. The grass was cut to perfection, with the sharpness of the edges only rivalled by those of the large hedges that wrapped around the perimeter. A flagged path cut the grass in half and paved the long walk up to the patio.

Several older children huddled around the fireguard, attempting to roast marshmallows on sticks. With a plea to "be careful" from Jessica pressed into their ears with a kiss, Adah and Ilse joined them. They greeted their friends and second cousins with enthusiasm and were immediately welcomed into the group. Jessica passed them, running her fingers fondly through the hair of a few as she and Danny approached the back door.

"Are you okay?" she asked, feeling his nervous energy.

"Yeah," he said with an unconvincing smile.

Regardless of his assurance, she turned and cupped his cheek.

"I won't abandon you, don't worry... I can't wait for everyone to see how amazing you are."

He pecked her nose with a gentle kiss and glanced back at the garden as she turned away from him and towards the house. Danny took a deep breath. The grandeur of the exterior alone was enough to make him want to turn back and leave, but he pressed on, determined to master his anxiety and followed Jessica into the kitchen.

The space was expansive and modern, the complete antithesis of what would be expected of the property form its rural surroundings. The work surfaces were of silvery steel and gleamed stunningly beneath the white marble of their tops. A large, square island in the centre of the space held a wide variety of snacks and finger food, while jacket potatoes and various meat dishes resided on the hotplate by the oven. The glass windows of the cupboards displayed the perfectly stacked plates and glasses and Danny looked up at the level, white ceiling, trying to decide if there had once been beams.

"Jessie!" the squeal of a small red headed woman snapped him out of his wonderment as she scurried towards them.

"Helen, hi!" Jessica responded, slightly embarrassed at the pitch of her friend had chosen to greet her with.

Several other guests had turned to look their way and Danny discreetly squeezed her hip with firm assurance of their unity.

"You look so good!" Helen exclaimed as she pulled Jessica into a hug. "And so happy! Who is this fine, younger gentleman?"

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