Chapter 3

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It's been two weeks since we've been to London, and it's two weeks until my ALevel results. I've been sick most mornings and I'm starting to have thoughts about what it could be. I texted Olivia to see if she wanted to go into town as Jade was in America. She instantly replied so I made my way out of bed and into the bathroom so I could shower. I showered and then straightened my hair, and then did my makeup while sat in my dressing gown. I opened my wardrobe and got a plain denim dress and a pair of all white superstars. I grabbed my sunglasses and scraped them through the front of my hair, pushing it back. I picked up my black Michael Kors tote bag and put my purse and phone in. I headed out to the car and began driving to town. It was a really warm day so I had the radio loud and the windows down with the wind blowing my hair. Finally I arrived in town and I met Olivia by Costa near the car park I had parked in. We begun shopping and soon found ourselves with multiple bags stacking up on our arms. We headed over to the food court and decided to go to pizza express. We talked about everything from; makeup, fashion, celebrity's and then to personal things.
"Hey I need to go back to boots I forgot to get something" I said.
"Okay sure!" Olivia replied.
Our pizzas arrived and I took some photos for snapchat and Instagram and then we soon paid the bill and left. We made our way over to boots and I found myself wandering through the aisles of health care. Olivia was having a second look at the makeup as we had already been in today. I had finally found the aisle I'd been looking for. Pregnancy tests. My stomach turned at the thought of being pregnant. I'd always wanted children but not until my mid to late twenties! I was only just eighteen which is still quite young! Luckily if I was pregnant, I'm taking a gap year after summer so I would be able to look after baby for the first year and then after I'd have to look at university's closer to home. I picked up a 'clear blue' one which had 3 tests in. I made my way over to the self checkout and Olivia joined me, surprised at what I was buying.
"Really?" She sounded surprised
"Yeah maybe" I giggled and she began jumping up and down in the middle of boots so I tried my best to calm her down. I payed and then made my way back to my car. I said bye to Olivia and then began driving home, butterflies started filling my tummy realising in less than an hour my life could be changed forever. I arrived home and said hi to my mum and drank a pint of water to make myself need the toilet. Soon enough I needed to go so I made my way to the bathroom. Five minutes slowly passed and I turned over the first test.
Positive. The next test, positive. The third and final test, positive. Omg I was pregnant! Tears filled my eyes! I was surprisingly happy. I called Jordan and told him to come over after work. Half an hour later Jordan arrived and we went upstairs to my room. I handed him all three of the tests and he immediately jumped up and hugged me after reading them. We decided not to tell our parents until after results day, but I grabbed my MacBook and started looking at ways of telling parents and window shopping for baby clothes. I was so excited, I couldn't wait!!

18 and pregnant; too young?Where stories live. Discover now