Hurt is the Universe

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"See this is all your fault Minnie!"

"Oh really if you had kept you're big beak shut, Mickey would have never found----"

"Enough!Mic never did anything to deserve this.Poor Mic...."

"Oh boohoo!"

"Minnie you are one big jerk!"

"You know what!?!I'm not going to deal with this!Mickey can pout all he wants but I'm leaving!"Turning on her heals Minnie left the castle throwing the crown to the floor.

Just then Mickey came in still having tear stains on his face and on his fur.Picking up the crown Mickey held it close to his heart.Then he raised his head.

"WHY Minnie? WHY!You could have just said no when we were about to get married!"

His voice shook the castle as the wallpaper began to rip as if Mickey's claws were scraping against the walls themselves.

"You know Walt Disney wanted me to!I on the other hand didn't even want the stupid marriage!"

"Fine!You want to be with someone, you can be banished from my kingdom!"Lifting his head his eyes were filled with tears as his right hand lit up and Minnie disappeared.Falling to his knees Mickey quaked as the walls still showed the pain that reflected the way Mickey felt.

"Your majesty?I understand the pain you feel but please take into account of the subjects still in your kingdoms......Come it is a good time for you to sleep. I've prepared a bed in the spare rooms for you while the brooms sweep up the glass...."A calm voice gently touched Mickey's still ringing ears for the yelling.Carefully Mickey lend on the wall as he struggled to get down the hall to the room with the door open. Weakly Mickey climbed into the white sheets and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

"We must find a way to keep his majesty away from the reminder of Minnie."

"Your right Donald but how will we?"

"Goofy I got it!"Donald quickly grabbed Goofy leading him away from Mickey as he slept.

The whole day went by as Mickey stayed locked away in the world of sleep.

Goofy,the leader of the soldiers in the kingdom set up a perimeter around the castle walls.Donald created a spell to keep everything within the walls and castle from coming or going.As the sun set upon the kingdom of Disney,Mickey began to be terrorized by the nightmares of being alone forever.

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