Major problem!

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Dreaming scars the king but as he sleeps his age decreases back to a young prince.The walls were renewed with the the wallpaper the same as it was way back when the prince was just born.The whole castle became anew and the gardens were just starting to show tiny blooms of spring.

Donald was calmly sorting through the mail that the smaller towns and cities had sent to the King.

"What the?!?"Donald quickly grabbed a stack of letters with the majors' seals on the folds.Jumping from his chair the wizard duck raced for the king's room and then ran down to the room Mickey slept.

"Your majesty!Your majesty the majors have sent you letters!You must get up!"shaking Mickey's shoulders.

"Shh.......Lord Donald,Mickey is in need of rest please let him sleep......"

"He has to see these!He never gets these many letters from his kingdom majors!Plus Dis,Mickey could be facing an uprising!"The spare blankets resting on the wooden chest at the end of the twin size bed wrapped around his wings.

"Whack?!?What are you doing?Dis?!?"Struggling the lord hand feathers fall to the floor as he tries to escape.

"He needs his rest!If you wake him he'll---"Yawning the young black furred being slowly sat up in the bed.Blue eyes gazed at the white duck as the tired soul inside him reflected off them.Quickly the blankets dropped Donald on the tile floor.

"Your majesty please go back to sleep....Your not fully rested nor healed from the situation that occurred this morning....Please......."The warm blankets coiled around Mickey's body as it brought him back into a sleeping position on the bed.

"Hmmm....Dis is there something wrong?..........I'm soo tired..."Curling up in a ball the child like voice of the mouse went to a calm breathing rhythm. Speechless the feathered bird walked out of the room and closed the small cut white and blue door.

"Dis why'd--Why's-----Why's Mickey so young and not the same as he was?"Shuttering through his words Donald turned to see mist in the shape of a human appeared.

"Ah oh alright....Mickey and caste Disney are connected.If Mickey is harmed then castle Disney is harmed too.You remember how the castle shook when Mickey yelled this morning ."

"Yeah but that still does not explain how Mickey's age is now back to a child's."

"Well when Mickey banished Minnie it took a huge tole on both the castle and Mickey.Causing a domino affect to the king and kingdom.The kingdom was as broken as the king was when he found that the queen didn't love him and that you all knew about it without telling him.Do to that the heart of the king was crushed and needed repair as much as the castle.With the age he has been reduced to the castle has used his age to fix itself and him.Now do you understand?"

"That's........How am I supposed to tell the rulers?I mean he has never had any of this sort of predicament happen before........Plus what about Sir Goofy?He treats Mic as if he is a brother who is older but shorter than he."

"Stay calm Lord and I shall deal with that but you must allow the prince to dream himself to healing.Now I must talk to the other leaders to help them see what has happened...."Without another word the feathered male strolled away to his training room to train the new sorcerers.

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